  1. Yoshida, I., Suzaki, T., Murakami, H., Watanabe, H., Nakamura, M., Hashizume, H., Sugimoto, M.: Pedestrian Dead Reckoning for Multiple Walking Styles Using Classifier-based Step Detection, IEEE Journal of Indoor Positioning and Navigation, pp.69-79, 2023 (doi: 10.1109/JISPIN.2023.3323937).
  2. 大西,渡邉,中村,橋爪,杉本:床面反射光を用いることによる屋内ドローントラッキング,情報処理学会論文誌, Vol. 64, No. 11, pp.1576-1587 (2023).
  3. 須崎 ,中村,村上,渡邉,橋爪,杉本:音響屋内測位におけるモバイルデバイスのための高精度測位領域の拡張手法,情報処理学会論文誌, Vol. 64, No. 11, pp.1525-1536 (2023).
  4. 山口, 渡邉, 杉本: 超音波イメージングによる把持物体認識手法, 情報処理学会論文誌, Vol. 64, No. 4, pp.955-966 (2023).
  5. 小林,山口,青木,武田,溝口,楠,舟生,杉本,田中,稲垣:小学校理科授業における「里山管理ゲーム」の活用と評価,科学教育研究, Vol.47, No.2, pp.90-105 (2023).
  6. 中道 省吾,渡邉 拓貴,橋爪 宏達,杉本 雅則:変調光照明の振幅および位相情報を用いた違法写真撮影判定手法,情報処理学会論文誌, Vol. 63, No. 11, pp. 1644-1652 (2022).
  7. Amesaka, T., Watanabe, H., Sugimoto, M., Shizuki, B.: Gesture Recognition Method Using Acoustic Sensing on Usual Garment, In Proc. of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies, Vol. 6, No. 2, Article 41, 27 pages (2022). (https://doi.org/10.1145/3534579)
  8. Sugimoto, M., Shimada, S., Hashizume, H.: RefRec+: Six Degree-of-freedom Estimation for Smartphone using Floor Reflecting Light, Frontiers in Computer Science Vol.4, Article 856942 (2022). (doi: 10.3389/fcomp.2022.856942)
  9. 神鳥 勇貴,村上 弘晃,須崎 太久弥,中村 将成,渡邉 拓貴,橋爪 宏達,杉本 雅則:NLOS環境における音響センシングを用いたスマートフォン間測距手法,情報処理学会論文誌, Vol. 63, No. 6, pp.1287-1297 (2022).
  10. 中村 将成,藤本 拳士,村上 弘晃,橋爪 宏達,杉本 雅則:単一のスピーカを用いたモノラルマイクロフォンの屋内測位手法,情報処理学会論文誌, Vol. 63, No. 6, pp.1298-1308 (2022).
  11. 中村 将成, 山崎 奨真, 橋爪 宏達, 杉本 雅則: 汎用スピーカを用いた短時間かつ適応的なスポット通信手法, 情報処理学会論文誌, Vol. 63, No. 5, pp. 1264-1275 (2022).
  12. Nakamura, M., Hashizume, H., Sugimoto, M.: Simultaneous Localization and Communication Method using Short-time and Narrow-band Dual-carrier Acoustic Signals, IEEE Sensors Journal, Vol.22, No.6, pp.5163-5172 (2022).
  13. Nakamura, M., Hashizume, H., Sugimoto, M.: Short-time Spot Communication using COTS Stereo Speaker, IEEE Sensors Journal, Vol.22, No.6, pp.5001-5010, (2022).
  14. 小倉 陸嗣, 渡邊 拓貴,杉本 雅則:音響信号を用いたデバイス非接触型手書き文字認識手法, Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics, Vol. 33, No. 5, pp. 1082 1095 (2021).
  15. Sato, T., Shimada, S., Murakami, H., Watanabe, H., Hashizume, H., Sugimoto, M.: ALiSA: a Visible-Light Positioning System using the Ambient Light Sensor Assembly in a Smartphone, IEEE Sensors Journal, Vol.22, No.6, pp.4989-5000, doi: 10.1109/JSEN.2021.3074580 (2021).
  16. Watanabe, H., Kakizawa, H., Sugimoto, M: User Authentication Method using Active Acoustic Sensing, Journal of Information Processing, Vol. 29, pp.370-379 (2021).
  17. 新階 幸也,青木 良太,小林 和奏,武田 義明,楠 房子,溝口 博,杉本 雅則,舟生 日出男,山口 悦司,稲垣 成哲:STEM教育での課題解決能力獲得に向けた学習支援システム「里山管理ゲーム」 複数の里山への対応による学習効果に関する検討 ,科学教育研究, Vol.45, Vol.2, pp.112-127 (2021).
  18. 佐藤 拓斗, 嶋田 祥太, 村上 弘晃, 渡邊 拓貴, 橋爪 宏達, 杉本 雅則: スマートフォン環境光センサを用いた可視光測位の提案, 情報処理学会論文誌, Vol. 62, No. 5, pp. 1275-1287 (2021).(2021 to appear).
  19. Murakami, H., Nakamura, M., Hashizume, H., Sugimoto, M.: Five Degrees-of-freedom Poseestimation Method for Smartphones using a Single Acoustic Anchor, IEEE Sensors Journal (to appear in 2021).
  20. 嶋田 祥太,橋爪 宏達,杉本 雅則:LED照明の床面反射光を利用したスマートフォン可視光測位システム,電子情報通信学会論文誌,Vol. J104-A (2021 to appear).
  21. 三嶽 寛人, 渡邉 拓貴,杉本 雅則: 足音と慣性データに基づく路面状況認識手法, 情報処理学会論文誌, Vol. 61, No. 10, pp. 1578-1590 (2020).
  22. 雨坂 宇宙, 渡邉 拓貴, 杉本 雅則: 外耳道伝達関数による頭部状態認識手法, 情報処理学会論文誌, Vol. 61 No. 8, pp. 1333-1342 (2020).
  23. 宇野 耕平, 平野 新,嶋田 祥太,渡邊 拓貴,橋爪 宏達,杉本 雅則:変調光照明を用いた違法写真撮影判定手法の提案とその評価,情報処理学会論文誌,Vol.61, No.3, pp.628-637, 2020.
  24. Alfarozi, S., Pasupa, K., Woraratpanya, K., Sugimoto, M..: Local Sigmoid Method: Non-iterative Deterministic Learning Algorithm for Automatic Model Construction of Neural Network, IEEE Access, Vol. 8, pp. 20342-20362, 2020.
  25. Alfarozi, S., Pasupa, K., Hashizume, H., Woraratpanya, K., Sugimoto, M.: Robust and Unified VLC Decoding System for Square Wave Quadrature Amplitude Modulation Using Deep Learning Approach, IEEE Access, Vol. 7, pp. 163262-163276, 2019.
  26. 村上 弘晃, 中村 将成,橋爪 宏達,杉本 雅則:鏡像スピーカを用いたスマートフォン高精度3次元測位手法,情報処理学会論文誌,Vol.60, No.12, pp.2314-2324, 2019.
  27. Alfarozi, S., Hashizume, H., Pasupa, K., Woraratpanya, K., Sugimoto, M.: Square Wave Quadrature Amplitude Modulation for Visible Light Communication using Image Sensor, IEEE Access, Vol. 7, pp.94806-94821, 2019.
  28. 嶋田 祥太,橋爪 宏達,杉本 雅則:CMOSイメージセンサを用いたOFDM高速可視光通信,電子情報通信学会論文誌,Vol. J102-B, No. 8, pp.605-613, 2019.
  29. Kawaguchi, S., Mizoguchi, H., Egusa, R., Takeda, Y., Yamaguchi, E., Inagaki, S., Nakanishi, F., Asahina, S., Kusunoki, F., Funaoi, H., 杉本 雅則: Vegetation Succession Learning Support System for Virtual Forestry Management — Toward the Maintenance and Conservation of the Natural Environment, International Journal of Education and Research, Vol. 7, No. 1, pp. 203-218, 2019.
  30. Kawaguchi, S., Mizoguchi, H., Egusa, R., Takeda, Y., Yamaguchi, E., Inagaki, S., Nakanishi, F., Asahina, S., Kusunoki, F., Funaoi, H., 杉本 雅則: Gaze-measurement-technology-based Evaluation of a Vegetation-succession Learning System", International Journal of Education and Research, Vol. 6, No. 12, pp. 191-200, December 2018.
  31. 杉本 雅則,熊木 逸人 秋山 尚之,橋爪 宏達TOPVLC:時間遅延推定のための最適変調信号を用いることによる高速可視光通信手法, 電子情報通信学会論文誌, Vol. J101-B, No.5, pp.405-416 (2018).
  32. Ota, Y., Komiyama, M., Egusa, R., Inagaki, S., Kusunoki, F., Sugimoto, M., Mizoguchi, H.: OBSERVE: Object Based learning to Support Education in Real and Virtual Environments International Journal of Education and Research, Vol.6, No.1, pp.101-108 (2018).
  33. Akiyama, T., Sugimoto, M., Hashizume, H. :Time-of-arrival-based Indoor Smartphone Localization Using Light-synchronized Acoustic Waves, IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences, Vol.E100-A, No.9, pp.- (2017, to appear).
  34. Sakai,T., Tamaki, H., Ota, Y., Egusa, R., Inagaki, S., Kusunoki, F., Sugimoto, M., Mizoguch, H.: EDA-based Estimation of Visual Attention by Observation of Eye Blink Frequency, International Journal on Smart Sensing and Intelligent Systems, Vol. 10, No. 2, pp. 296 - 307, June 2017.
  35. Tamaki, H., Sakai,T., Ota, Y., Kusunoki, F., Inagaki, S., Egusa, R., Sugimoto, M., Mizoguch, H.: System for Art Knowledge Improvement by Interactions with Pictures, Journal of the Institute of Industrial Applications Engineers, Vol.5, No.2, pp.59-64, April 2017. (DOI: 10.12792/JIIAE.5.59)
  36. Backhus, J., Takigawa, I., Imai, H., Kudo, M., Sugimoto, M.:An Online Self-Constructive Normalized Gaussian Network with Localized Forgetting, IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences, Vol.E100-A, No.3, pp.865-876 (2017).
  37. Sugimoto, M., Kumaki, H., Akiyama, T., Hashizume, H.: Optimally Modulated Illumination for Rapid and Accurate Time Synchronization, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, Vol.65, Issue 2, pp.505-516 (2017). .
  38. Tamaki, H., Sakai, T., Ota, Y., Kusunoki, F., Inagaki, S., Egusa, R., Sugimoto, M., Mizoguchi, H.: Range Image Sesnor-based Eye Gase Estimation by Using the Relationship between the Face and Eye Direction, International Journal on Smart Sensing and Intelligent System, Vol. 9, No. 4, pp. 2297-2308 (2016).
  39. 中村 将成,秋山 尚之,杉本 雅則,橋爪 宏達:音響信号を用いたスマートフォンの高速・高精度屋内3次元位置認識手法,情報処理学会論文誌, Vol.57, No.11, pp. 2489 - 2500 (2016).
  40. 中村 将成,秋山 尚之,杉本 雅則,橋爪 宏達:可聴周波数帯域を用いることによるスポット制御可能な情報伝送手法,情報処理学会論文誌,Vol.57, No.11, pp. 2501 - 2514 (2016).
  41. Konno, H., Kudo, M., Imai, H., Sugimoto, M.: Whisper to Normal Speech Conversion using Pitch Estimated from Spectrum, Speech Communication, Vol.83, pp.10-20 (2016)..
  42. Yoshida, R., Sakai, T., Ishi, Y., Nakayama, T., Ogitsu, T., Takemura, H., Yamaguchi, E., Inagaki, S., Takeda, Y., Namatame, M., Sugimoto, M.,, Kusunoki, F., Mizoguchi, H.: Electrodermal Activity-based Feasibility Study on the Relationship Between Attention and Blinking, International Journal on Smart Sensing and Intelligent Systems、Vol.9,No.1, pp.21-31, 2016.
  43. 大佐賀 猛, 吉川 毅, 野中 秀俊, 杉本 雅則: 不完全情報ゲームにおける適応的 モンテカルロ木探索手法の提案, 情報処理学会論文誌 数理モデル化と応用, Vol.8, No.1, pp.38-44 (2015).
  44. 村津 啓太, 舟生 日出男, 楠 房子, 武田 義明, 井上 晴香, 山口 悦司, 稲垣 成哲, 杉本 雅則, 溝口 博: モバイル端末を用いた植物観察支援システム「ポケット植物図鑑」の開発と評価, 科学教育研究, Vol. 38, No.4, pp. 228-237 (2014).
  45. Nakadai, T., Nakayama, T., Taguchi, T., Egusa, R., Namatame, M., Sugimoto, M., Kusunoki, F., Yamaguchi, E., Inagaki, S., Takeda, Y., Mizoguchi, H.: Sound-Separation System using Spherical Microphone Array with Three-Dimensional Directivity?KIKIWAKE 3D: Language Game for Children, International Journal on Smart Sensing and Intelligent System, Vol.7, No.4, pp. 1908-1921, 2014.
  46. Taguchi, T., Egusa, R., Sugimoto, M., Kusunoki, F., Yamaguchi, E., Inagaki, S., Takeda, Y., Mizoguchi, H.:Developing Voice Separation System for Support Education Research: Determining Learner Reaction without Contact, Journal of Convergence Information Technology(JCIT), Vol. 9, No. 3, pp.12-17, May 2014.
  47. Sugimoto, M., Kanie, N., Nakamura, S., Hashizume, H.: An Accurate and Compact 3D Tracking System Using a Single Camera and Ultrasound, Journal of Location Based Services, Vol.8, Issue 1, pp.18-35 (2013).
  48. 前田 泰成, 杉本 雅則, 橋爪 宏達:音響イメージングにおけるログステップマルチキャリア波によるドップラー速度推定法,電子情報通信学会論文誌, Vol. J96-A, No.1, pp.1-13 (2013).
  49. Adachi T., Goseki M., Takemura H., Mizoguchi H., Kusunoki F., Sugimoto, M., Yamaguchi E., Inagaki S., Takeda Y.: Integration of Ultrasonic Sensors and Kinect Sensors for People Distinction and 3D Localization, Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics, Vol.25 No.4, pp.762-766 (2013).
  50. Sugimoto, M.,, Nakamura, S., Inoue, Y., Hashizume, H.: LT-PAM: A Ranging Method Using Dual Frequency Optical Signals, International Journal on Smart Sensing and Intelligent Systems, Vol. 6, No. 3, pp.791-809 (2013).
  51. Pantuwong, N., Sugimoto, M.: Skeleton Growing: An algorithm to Extract a Curve Skeleton from a Pseudonormal Vector Field, The Visual Computer, Vol.29, Issue 3, pp.203-216 (2013).
  52. Laokulrat, N., Maeda, Y., Sugimoto, M., Hashizume, H.; Wiener-filter-based Compensation of a Transmitter’s Radiation Pattern using Synthetic Transmit Aperture Acoustic Imaging, Measurement Science and Technology, Vol. 23, No. 11, doi:10.1088/0957-0233/23/11/114011 (2012).
  53. Pantuwong, N., Sugimoto, M.: A Novel Template-Based Automatic Rigging Algorithm for Articulated-Character Animation, Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds, Vol. 23, pp.125-141 (2012).
  54. 藤田 智樹, 米 海鵬, 杉本 雅則:テーブルトップ環境における新しいロボットプログラミング手法の提案,情報処理学会論文誌, Vol.53, No.3, pp.1101-1109 (2011).
  55. Mi, H., Krzywinski, A., Fujita, T., Sugimoto, M: RoboTable: An Infrastructure for Intuitive Interaction with Mobile Robots in a Mixed Reality Environment, Journal of Advances in Human-Computer Interaction, Volume 2012, ID 301608, 10 pages (2012).
  56. Mizutani, M., Ito, I., Sugimoto, M. Hashizume, H.: TSaT-MUSIC: A Novel Algorithm for Rapid and Accurate Ultrasonic 3D Localization, EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing,2011:101 (http://asp.eurasipjournals.com/content/2011/1/101).
  57. Ito, T., Sugimoto, M., Hashizume, M.: Evaluation of Acoustic Imaging System using Correlation Division in Synthetic Transmit Aperture with Multicarrier Signals, IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences, Vol. E94-A, No. 10, pp. 1907-1919 (2011).
  58. Sugimoto, M.: A Mobile Mixed Reality Environment for Children's Storytelling using a Handheld Projector and a Robot, IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies, Vol.4, No.3, pp.249-260 (2011).
  59. Siriborvornratanakul, T., Sugimoto, M.: ipProjector: A Vision-Based Framework for Unsupervised Ubiquitous Object Augmentation Using a Portable Projector-Camera System, EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing, Volume 2011 (2011), Article ID 572596, 17 pages, (doi: 10.1155/2011/572596).
  60. Dao, V.N., Sugimoto, M.: A Dynamic Geometry Reconstruction Technique for Mobile Devices Using Adaptive Checkerboard Recognition and Epipolar Geometry, IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, Vol.E94-D, No.2, pp.336-348, 2011.
  61. Siriborvornratanakul, T., Sugimoto, M.: Augmenting Physical Objects by a Ubiquitous Spatial Projection Display Operating in the Visible Light Spectrum, International Journal of Information Processing and Management, Vol.2, No.1, pp.65-81, 2011.
  62. Sato, T., Nakamura, S., Sugimoto, M., Hashizume, H.: Extended Phase Accordance Method: A Real-time and Accurate Technique for EstimatingPosition and Velocity of Moving Objects using Ultrasonic Communication, Sensors and Transducer Journal (special issue, Dec. 2010), Vol.9, pp.56-70, 2010.
  63. 伊藤 俊夫, 杉本 雅則, 橋爪 宏達: 最適化したマルチキャリア信号と合成送信開口による高画質音響イメージング, 電子情報通信学会論文誌, Vol.J93-A, Vol.5, pp.341-352, 2010.
  64. Siriborvornratanakul, T., Sugimoto, M.: ipProjector: Designs and Techniques for Geometry-based Interactive Applications using a Portable Projector, International Journal of Digital Multimedia Broadcasting, Article ID 352060, 12 pages, 2010.
  65. 伊藤 俊廷, グェン トゥン ゴク, 杉本 雅則, 稲垣 成哲: GENTORO: モバイル複合現実環境におけるストーリーテリング支援システムの設計と評価 情報処理学会論文誌, Vol.50, No.12, pp.2819-2830, 2009.
  66. 佐藤 哲也, 杉本 雅則, 橋爪 宏達: 高精度超音波移動体測位のための位相一致法の拡張手法, 電子情報通信学会論文誌, Vol.J92-A, No.12, pp.953-963, 2009.
  67. 伊藤 俊夫, 杉本 雅則, 橋爪 宏達: 超音波イメージングシステムの直感的 な設計評価を可能にする線形モデル, 電子情報通信学会論文誌, Vol. J92-A, No. 8, pp.559-570, 2009.
  68. Ito, T., Sato, T., Tulathimutte, K., Sugimoto, M., Hashizume, H.: A Scalable Tracking System Using Ultrasonic Communication, IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences, E92-A(6), pp. 1408-1416, 2009.
  69. Takeuchi, Y., Sugimoto, M.: A User-Adaptive City Guide System with an Unobtrusive Navigation Interface, Journal of Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, 13, pp.119-132, 2009.
  70. Miura, S., Ravasio, P., Sugimoto, M.: Nurturing Learners' Communities by Creating and Sharing Maps, PsychNology Journal, 6(3), pp. 269-289, 2008.
  71. 橋爪 宏達,金子 歩,杉本 雅則: 位相一致法による正確な超音波位置認識手法とその特性, 電子情報通信学会論文誌, Vol.J91-A, No.4, pp.435-447, 2008.
  72. 竹内 雄一郎,杉本 雅則:位置情報履歴を利用したユーザアダプティブな街案内システム,電子情報通信学会論文誌J90-D, No.11, pp. 2981-2988, 2007.
  73. 細井 一弘, ダオ ヴィン ニン,森 晶洋, 杉本 雅則: CoGAME:ハンドヘルドプロジェクタを用いたロボットナビゲーションゲームの試作,日本バーチャルリアリティ学会論文誌, Vol.12, No.3, pp.285-294, 2007.
  74. Sugimoto, M., Kusunoki, F., Hashizume, H: A System for Supporting Group Activities with a Sensor-Embedded Board, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part C, Vol. 36, No. 5, pp.693-700, 2006 .
  75. 細井 一弘, 杉本 雅則: Shepherd:ユーザ視点のマルチロボットコントロールを実現するモバイルインターフェイスの試作,日本バーチャルリアリティ学会論文誌, Vol.11, No.2, pp.225-236, 2006.
  76. 杉本 雅則, 宮原 耕介, 井上 博司, 田村 晃一: 携帯端末の3次元位置に基づく投影画面の表示と直感的な操作手法の試み,情報処理学会論文誌,Vol. 47,No.6, pp. 1976-1986, 2006.
  77. 三浦 宗介, 杉本 雅則: T-RHYTHM: 振動デバイスを用いたリズム学習支援システム, 電子情報通信学会論文誌, Vol.J89-D, No.6, pp.1260-1268, 2006.
  78. Fischer, G., Sugimoto, M.: Supporting Self-Directed Learners and Learning Communities with Sociotechnical Environments, Journal on Research and Practice in Technology Enhanced Learning, 1(1), pp. 31-64, 2006.
  79. Yatani, K., Tamura, K., Hiroki, K., Sugimoto, M., Hashizume, H.:Toss-It: Intuitive Information Transfer Techniques for Mobile Devices Using Toss and Swing Actions, IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, E89-D(1), pp.150-157, 2006.
  80. Fischer, G., Giaccardi, E., Eden, H., Sugimoto, M., Ye, Y.: Beyond Binary Choices: Integrating Individual and Social Creativity, International Journal of Human Computer Studies, 63(4-5), pp.482-512, 2005.
  81. Yatani, K., Onuma, M., Sugimoto, M., Kusunoki, F.: Musex: A System for Supporting Children's Collaborative Learning in a Museum with PDAs, Systems and Computers in Japan, Vol. 35, No. 14, pp. 54-63, 2004.
  82. Sugimoto, M., Kusunoki, F., Inagaki, S., Takatoki, K., and Yoshikawa, A.: A System for Supporting Collaborative Learning with Networked Sensing Boards, Systems and Computers in Japan, Vol.35, No.9, pp.39-50, 2004.
  83. 細井 一弘, 杉本 雅則, 橋爪 宏達: Caretta: 個人空間と共有空間を統合した協調作業支援システム, 人工知能学会論文誌Vol.19. No.2, pp.136-144, 2004.
  84. 矢谷 浩司, 大沼 真弓, 杉本 雅則, 楠 房子:Musex: 博物館におけるPDAを用いた協調学習支援システム, 電子情報通信学会論文誌, Vol.J86-D-I, No. 10, pp. 773-782, 2003.
  85. 楠 房子, 杉本 雅則, 橋爪 宏達:同時多入力デバイスを用いた電子ボードゲームの構築, 日本バーチャルリアリティ学会論文誌,Vol. 7, No.4, pp 487-494, 2002.
  86. 杉本 雅則, 楠 房子, 稲垣 成哲, 高時 邦宜, 吉川 厚:ネットワーク型センシングボードを用いることによる協調学習支援システムの構築,電子情報通信学会論文誌,Vol.J85-D-1,No.12,pp. 1152-1163, 2002.
  87. 楠 房子, 杉本 雅則,稲垣 成哲, 高時 邦宜: 知識の物理世界での実践を通して他者との議論を促進するグループ学習支援システム, 科学教育研究, Vol.26, No.6, pp.34-41, 2002.
  88. Kusunoki, K., Sugimoto, M., Hashizume, H.: A Group Learning Support System Enhancing the Externalization of Thinking, Systems and Computers in Japan, Vol.33, No.6, pp.93-100, 2002.
  89. 楠 房子, 杉本 雅則, 橋爪 宏達:思考の外化を支援することによるグループ学習支援システム,電子情報通信学会論文誌 , Vol.J83-DI, No.6, pp.580-587, 2000.
  90. Sugimoto, M., Katayama, N., Takasu, A.:A System for Constructing Private Digital Libraries through Information Space Exploration, International Journal on Digital Libraries, Vol.2, No.1, pp.54-66, 1998.
  91. Sugimoto, M., Hori, K., Ohsuga, S.: A System for Visualizing Viewpoints and Its Application to Intelligent Activity Support, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Vol. 28C, No. 1, pp. 124-136, 1998.
  92. Sugimoto, M., Hori, K., Ohsuga, S.: A System to Visualize Different Viewpoints for Supporting Researchers' Creativity, Knowledge-Based Systems, Vol.9, No.6, pp. 369- 376, 1996.
  93. Sugimoto, M., Hori, K., Ohsuga, S.: Method to assist the building and expression of subjective concepts and its application to design problems, Knowledge-Based Systems, Vol.7, No.4, pp. 233 - 238 (1994).
  94. Sugimoto, M., Hori, K., Ohsuga, S.: A Method for Assisting Creative Design Process, Languages of design, Vol.1, No.4, pp. 355-365, 1993.
  95. 杉本 雅則, 堀 浩一, 大須賀 節雄: 設計問題への発想支援システムの応用と発想過程のモデル化の試み, 人工知能学会誌, Vol.8, No.5, pp. 575-582, 1993.

  1. Sugimoto, M.: Design of Technology-Enhanced Learning Environments That Connect Classrooms to the Real World, In The New Development of Technology Enhanced Learning: Concept, Research and Best Practices, Lecture Notes in Educational Technology, Springer, pp.41- 52 (2014).
  2. Ito, T., Sato, T., Tulathimutte, K., Sugimoto, M., Hashizume, H.: A Scalable Ultrasonic-Based Localization System Using the Phase Accordance Method, In Recent Advances in Sensing Technology, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, Vol. 49, Springer, pp.35-54, 2009.
  3. Yamaguchi, E., Inagaki, S., Sugimoto, M. et al.: Fostering Students' Participation in Face-to-Face Interactions and Deepening Their Understanding by Integrating Personal and Shared Spaces, Transactions on Edutainment II, pp. 228-245, 2009.
  4. Miura, S., Ravasio, P., Sugimoto, M.: Situated Learning with SketchMap, In Handbook of Innovative Mobile Learning, pp.216-231, 2008.
  5. Sugimoto, M.: Design of Systems for Supporting Collaborative Learning Augmented with Physical Artifacts, In Interactive Artifacts and Furniture Supporting Collaborative Work and Learning, Springer, pp.15-34, 2008.
  6. Sugimoto, M.: Projected Displays of Mobile Devices for Collaboration, In Handbook of Research on User Interface Design and Evaluation for Mobile Technology, Idea Publisher Group, pp. 594-608, 2008.
  7. Takasu, A., Katayama, N., Sugimoto, M.: Personalized Information Space Construction from Distributed Digital Libraries, In Advanced Database Systems for Integration of Media and User Environments'98, Advanced Database Research and Development Series - Vol.9, pp.72-76, 1997.

  1. Sugimoto, M., Nakamichi, S., Hashizume, H.: One-time Camera Fingerprint: Unauthorized Photography Detection under Modulated Illumination, In Proceedings of ACM SenSys 2023, Istanbul, Turkiye, pp.181-194, 2023, doi:0.1145/3625687.3625784.
  2. Nakamura, M., Funada, Y., Hashizume, H., Sugimoto, M.: Indoor 3D Positioning Method for a Microphone using a Single Speaker, In Proceedings of IPIN 2023, Nuremberg Germany, pp.1-6, 2023, doi: 10.1109/IPIN57070.2023.10332519.
  3. Sugimoto, M., Suenaga, M. Watanabe, H., Nakamura, M., Hashizume, H.: Smartphone Indoor Positioning using Inertial and Ambient Light Sensors, In Proceedings of IPIN 2023, Nuremberg Germany pp. 1-6, 2023, doi: 10.1109/IPIN57070.2023.10332528.
  4. Amesaka, T., Watanabe, H., Sugimoto, M., Shizuki, B., Sugiura, Y.: User Authentication Method for Hearables Using Sound Leakage Signals, In Proceeedings of ISWC 2023 (Note), Cancún, Mexico, pp.119-123 (2023).
  5. Sugimoto, M.: Rapid and Accurate Time Synchronization using Visible Light for Mobile Sensing, In Proceedings of ALLSENSORS 2023, Venice, Italy, 8 pages (2023).
  6. Suzaki, T., Murakami, H., Nakamura, M., Watanabe, H., Hashizume, H., Sugimoto, M.: PT-Sync: COTS Speaker-based Pseudo Time Synchronization for Acoustic Indoor Positioning, In Proceedings of IEEE IPIN 2022, Bejing, China (2022, to appear).
  7. Nakamura, M., Tanaka, A., Nakamura, M., Hashizume, H., Sugimoto, M.: Short-Time Noise Suppression Method with Multiple Signals for Received Time Estimation, In Proceedings of IEEE IPIN 2022, Bejing, China (2022, to appear).
  8. Suzaki, T., Nakamura, M., Murakami, Watanabe, H., Hashizume, H., Sugimoto, M.: Expanding the Positioning Area for Acoustic Localization Using COTS Mobile Devices, In Proceedings of MobiQuitous 2021, Beppu, Japan, pp. 422-437, 2021.
  9. Yamashita, Y., Shimada, S., Watanabe, H., Hashizume, H., Sugimoto, M.: A Localization Method Using Reflected Luminance Distribution, In Proceedings of MobiQuitous 2021, Beppu, Japan, pp. 390-405, 2021.
  10. Abe, K., Sato, T., Watanabe, H., Hashizume, H., Sugimoto, M.: Smartphone Positioning Using an Ambient Light Sensor and Reflected Visible Light, In Proceedings of IPIN 2021, Lloret de Mar, Spain, 2021,pp.1-8, doi: 10.1109/IPIN51156.2021.9662520.
  11. Murakami, H., Kandori, Y., Suzaki, T., Nakamura, M., Watanabe, H., Hashizume, H., Sugimoto, M.: NL-Beep: A Ranging System between Multiple Smartphones Using Acoustic Sensing in NLOS Environments, In Proceedings of IPIN 2021, Lloret de Mar, Spain, 2021, pp. 1-8, doi: 10.1109/IPIN51156.2021.9662613.
  12. Nakamura, M., Hashizume, H., Sugimoto, M.: Short-time and Adaptive Controllable Spot Communication using COTS Speaker, In Proceedings of IPIN 2021, Lloret de Mar, Spain, pp. 1-8, 2021, doi: 10.1109/IPIN51156.2021.9662588.
  13. Nakamura, M., Hashizume, H., Sugimoto, M.: Indoor Localization Method for a Microphone Using a Single Speaker, In Proceedings of IPIN 2021, Lloret de Mar, Spain, pp. 1-8, 2021, doi: 10.1109/IPIN51156.2021.9662547.
  14. Yago, K., Shingai, Y., Kobayashi, W., Aoki, R., Takeda, Y., Kusunoki, F., Mizoguchi, H., Sugimoto, M., Funaoi, H., Yamaguchi, E. and Inagaki, S. Satoyama Forest Management Learning Game for SDGs Education: Comparing the Effect of Providing Additional Information in the First Half and Latter Half of the Game. In Proceedings of CSEDU 2021 (online), pp. 347-351, 2021.
  15. Nakamura, M., Hashizume, H., Sugimoto, M.:Simultaneous Localization and Communication Methods using Short-time and Narrow-band Acoustic Signals, In Proceedings of SENSORDEVICES 2020, Valencia, Spain, pp. 42-48, 2020.
  16. Shimada, S., Hashizume, H., Sugimoto, M.: RefRec: Indoor Positioning Using a Camera Recording Floor Reflections of Lights, In Proceedings of UBICOMM 2022, Nice, France, pp.55-63, 2020.
  17. Shingai, Y., Aoki, R., Takeda, Y., Kusunoki, F., Mizoguchi, H., Sugimoto, M., Funaoi, H., Yamaguchi, E., Inagaki, S.: Learning Support Game System for Sustainable Development Goals Education: Effects of Improved User Interface on Satoyama Forest Management Learning, In Proceedings of CSEDU 2020, Prague, Czhch Republic, pp. 428-435, 2020.
  18. Aoki, R., Shingai, Y., Inagaki, S., Mizoguchi, H. Takeda, Y., Kusunoki, F., Yamaguchi, E., Funaoi, H., Sugimoto, M.: Satoyama Forest Management Game: A Learning Support System for Vegetation Succession over 300 Years to Achieve Sustainable Development Goals, In Proceedings of EDMedia + Innovate Learning 2020, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, pp.618-623, 2020.
  19. Shingai, Y., Aoki, R., Takeda, Y., Kusunoki, F., Mizoguchi, H., Sugimoto, M., Funaoi, H., Yamaguchi, E., Inagaki, S.: The “Satoyama Management Game” for Teaching about the Conservation of the Satoyama Environment: User Evaluation with Elementary School Students Based on Eye Tracking, In Proceedings of EDMedia + Innovate Learning 2020, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, pp.686-691, 2020.
  20. Hirano, A., Shimada, S., Watanabe, H., Hashizume, H., Sugimoto, M.: Design and Implementation of Selective Visible Light Communication for Multiple Video Cameras using a Single LED Illumination, In Proceedings of Workshop on OWC2, Nagoya, Japan, 2019 (DOI: 10.1145/3365610.3365639).
  21. Mitake, H., Watanabe, H., Sugimoto, M.: Footsteps and Inertial Data-based Road Surface Condition Recognition Method, In Proceedings of MUM 2019, Pisa, Italy, pp.1-10, 2019 (to appear).
  22. Murakami, H., Nakamura, M., Hashizume, H., Sugimoto, M.: 3-D Localization for Smartphones using a Single Speaker, In Proceedings of IPIN2019, Pisa, Italy, pp.1-8, 2019 (DOI:10.1109/IPIN.2019.8911804).
  23. Teramoto, K., Mukainakano, R., Watanabe, H., Hashizume, H., Sugimoto, M.: 3D Tracking Using Smartphones for a Marker-Based Optical Motion Capture System, In Proceedings of IPIN2019, Pisa, Italy, 2019 (http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2498/short10.pdf).
  24. Amesaka, T., Watanabe, H., Sugimoto, M.: Facial Expression Recognition Using Ear Canal Transfer Function, In Proceedings of ISWC 2019, London, UK, pp.1-9, 2019 (doi>10.1145/3341163.3347747).
  25. Asahina, S. Kawaguchi, S., Takeda, Y., Funaoi, H., Yamaguchi, E., Kusunoki, F., Sugimoto, M.., Mizoguchi, H., Inagaki, S.: Evaluation of Learning Support Function of Simulation Game for Forest Management, In Proceedings of ESERA 2019, Bologna, Italy, 2019.
  26. Uno, K., Hirano, A., Hashizume, H., Sugimoto, M.: Illegal Photograph Detection under Modulated LED Illumination, In Proceedings of PerCom 2019, Kyoto, Japan, pp.395-398, 2019.
  27. Piriyothinkul, B., Pasupa, K, Sugimoto, M.: Detecting Text in Manga using Stroke Width Transform, In Proceedings of KST 2019, Phuket, Thailand, pp. 142-147, 2019.
  28. Kawaguchi, S., Mizoguchi, H., Egusa, R., Takeda, Y., Yamaguchi, E., Inagaki, S., Kusunoki, F., Funaoi, H., Sugimoto, M.: EDA Sensor-based Evaluation of a Vegetation Succession Learning System, In Proceedings. of ICST 2018, Limerick, Ireland, pp.353-357, 2018.
  29. Hirano, A., Shimada, S., Hashizume, H., Sugimoto, M.: Selective Visible Light Communication for Multiple Video Cameras using a Single Light Source, In Proceedings of ACM SenSys 2018, Shenzhen, China, pp. 335-336, 2018.
  30. Shimada, S., Hashizume, H., Sugimoto, M.: Indoor Positioning Using Reflected Light and a Video Camera, In Proceedings of IPIN 2018, Nantes, France, pp. 1-8, 2018. (https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/853373)
  31. Murakami, H., Nakamura, M., Yamasaki, S., Hashizume, H., Sugimoto, M.: Smartphone Localization using Active--Passive Acoustic Sensing, In Proceedings of IPIN 2018, Nantes, France, 2018 (https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/8533764).
  32. Kawaguchi, S., Mizoguchi, H., Egusa, R., Takeda, Y., Yamaguchi, E., Inagaki, S., Kusunoki, F., Funaoi, H., Sugimoto, M.: Let’s Build Forests for 300 Years: Game-Based Learning in Environmental Education, In Proceedings of ECGBL, Sophia Antipolis, France, pp.881-886, 2018.
  33. Tokuoka, M., Mizoguchi, H., Egusa, R., Inagaki, S., Kusunoki, F., Sugimoto, M.: Expansion of Science Education Within the Museum Using Body Movements of Multiple People, In Proceedings of IOSTE 2018, Malmo, Sweden, pp. 311-317, 2018.
  34. Tokuoka, M., Mizoguchi, H., Egusa, R., Inagaki, S., Kusunoki, F., Sugimoto, M.:"Discuss and Behave Collaboratively!", Full-Body Interactive Learning Support System within a Museum to Elicit Collaboration with Children, , In Proceedings of CollabTech 2018, Costa de Caprica, Portugal, pp.104-111, 2018.
  35. Alfarozi, S., Amaya S,, Hashizume, H., Woraratpanya, K. Sugimoto, M.: Robust and Unified System for Visible Light Communication with CMOS Camera Using Neural Decoding, In Proceedings of ISIP2018, Fukuoka, Japan (2018).
  36. Kawaguchi, S., Mizoguchi, H., Egusa, R., Takeda, Y., Yamaguchi, E., Inagaki, S., Kusunoki, F., Funaoi, H., Sugimoto, M.: Augmentation of Environmental Education Using a Forest Management Game to Stimulate Learners’ Self-Discovery, In Proceedings of IOSTE2018, Malmo, Sweden, pp.122-127(2018).
  37. Sako, N., Kusunoki, F., Inagaki, S., Mizoguchi, M., Sugimoto, M.: Throw and Run’ Early-Human Virtual Hunting Experience: An Interactive Archaeology-Learning Support System, In Proceedings of EdMedia 2018, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, , pp. 1216-1221 (2018).
  38. Sugimoto, M., Kumaki, H., Akiyama, T., Hashizume, H.: High-speed Optical Camera Communication using an Optimally Modulated Signal, In Proceedings of IEEE ICASSP 2018, Calgary, Canada (2018), http://sigport.org/3099.
  39. Sakano, T., Zhayida S., Sugimoto, M., Kusunoki, F., Inagaki, S., Funaoi, H., Mizoguchi, H.: Estimation of Excitement Degree Based on Laughing Voice Recognition, In Proceedings of I4CT 2018, Krabi, Thailand (2018).
  40. Kawaguchi, H., Mizoguchi, H., Egusa, R., Takeda, Y., Yamaguchi, E., Inagaki, S., Kusunoki, F., Funaoi, H., Sugimoto, M.: A Forestry Management Game as a Learning Support System for Increased Understanding of Vegetation Succession ~ Effective Environmental Education towards a Sustainable Society ~, In Proceedings of CSEDU2018, Funchal, Portugal, pp. 322-327 (2018).
  41. Ota, Y., Komiyaam, M., Egusa, R., Okajima, A., Inagaki, S., Kusunoki, F., Sugimoto, M., Mizoguchi, H.: "Improvement of Students’ Knowledge on Larval Mimesis: a Case Study of Experiential Learning System OBSERVE", In Proceedinsg of ESERA 2017, Dublin, Ireland (2017).
  42. Shimada, S. Akiyama, T., Hashizume, H., Sugimoto, M.: OFDM Visible Light Communication using Off-the-shelf Video Camera, In Proceedings of ACM SenSys 2017, Delft, The Netherlands (2017).
  43. Kawaguchi, S.,Takemura, H., Mizoguchi, H., Egusa, R., Takeda, Y., Inagaki, S., Kusunoki, F., Funaoi, H., Sugimoto, M.: Accuracy Evaluation of Hand Motion Measurement using 3D Range Image Sensor, In Proceedings of ICST 2017, Sydney, Australia, pp. 796-801 (2017).
  44. Tokuoka, M., Mizoguchi, H., Egusa, R., Inagaki, S., Kusunoki, F., Sugimoto, M.: Novel Application of 3D Range Image Sensor for Estimation of Interests based on Fixation Time of Face Orientation, In Proceedings of ICST 2017, Sydney, Australia, pp. 790-795 (2017).
  45. Kawaguchi, S., Mizoguchi, H., Egusa, R., Takeda, Y., Yamaguchi, E., Inagaki, S., Kusunoki, F., Funaoi H., Sugimoto, M.: SATOYAMA: Simulating And Teaching game Optimal for Young children to learn vegetation succession As Management of an Actual forest, In Proceedings of ICCE2017, Christchurch, New Zealand, pp.101-104 (2017).
  46. Tokuoka, M., Mizoguchi, H., Egusa, R., Inagaki, S., Kusunoki, F., Sugimoto, M.:Learning Support System for Museum Exhibits using Complex Body Movements --Enhancing Sense of Immersion in Paleontological Environment--, In Proceedings of ICCE2017, Christchurch, New Zealand, pp.105-108 (2017).
  47. Murakami, H., Hashizume, H., Sugimoto, M.: Smartphone Inertial Sensor-based Indoor Localization using Acoustic Signal, In Proceedings of IEEE IPIN 2017, Sapporo, Japan (2017).
  48. Kamada, M., Hashizume, H., Sugimoto, M.: GPS Signal Generation Platform for Seamless Localization, In Proceedings of IEEE IPIN 2017, Sapporo, Japan (2017).
  49. Akiyama, T., Sugimoto, M., Hashizume, H.: Time-of-arrival-based Smartphone Localization Using Visible Light Communication, In Proceedings of IEEE IPIN 2017, Sapporo, Japan (2017).
  50. Kudo, K., Akiyama, T., Hashizume, M., Sugimoto, M.: Multicamera Synchronization for Smartphones using Optimally Modulated Illuminations, In Proceedings of ACM MobiSys2017, Niagara Falls, NY, (2017, to appear).
  51. Kawaguchi, S., Sakai, T., Tamaki, H., Mizoguchi, H., Egusa, R.,Takeda, Y., Yamaguchi, E., Inagaki, S., Kusunoki, F., Funaoi, H., Sugimoto, M.: SATOYAMA: Time-limited Decision Game for Students to Learn Hundreds Years Forestry Management, In Proceedings of CSEDU 2017, Porto, Portogal, pp. 481-486 (2017).
  52. Tokuoka, M., Tamaki, H., Sakai, T., Mizoguchi, H., Egusa, R., Inagaki, S., Kawabata, M., Kusunoki, F., Sugimoto, M.: BELONG: Body Experienced Learning Support System based on Gesture Recognition --Enhancing the Sense of Immersion in a Dinosaurian Environment--, In Proceedings of CSEDU2017, Porto, Portugal, pp. 487-492 (2017).
  53. Tokuoka, M., Tamaki, H., Sakai, T., Mizoguchi, H., Egusa, R., Inagaki, S., Kawabata, M., Kusunoki, F., Sugimoto, M.: Development of Gesture Recognition Sub-system for BELONG --Increasing the Sense of Immersion for Dinosaurian Environment Learning Support System--, In Proceedings of CSEDU2017, Porto, Portugal, pp. 493-498 (2017).
  54. Ota, Y., Komiyama, M., Egusa, R., Inagaki, S., Kusunoki, F., Sugimoto, M., Mizoguchi, H. Development of Experiential Learning System based on the Connection between Object Models and Their Digital Contents - Collaboration between Tangible Interface and Computer Interaction. In Proceedings of CSEDU 2017, Porto, Portugal, pp. 154-159 (2017).
  55. Sakano, T., Kigawa, T., Sugimoto, M., Kusunoki, F., Inagaki, S., Mizoguchi, H: Laughing Voice Recognition Using Periodic Waveforms and Voice-likeness Features -- Toward Advanced Human-machine --, In Proceedings of IEEE ROBIO 2016, Qingdao, China, pp.964-969 (2016).
  56. Akiyama, T., Sugimoto, M., Hashizume, M.: Time Synchronization Method Using Visible Light Communication for Smartphone Localization, In Proceedings of InPoTra2016, Barcelona, Spain (2016, to appear).
  57. Nakamura, M., Akiyama, T., Hashizume, M., Sugimoto, M.: A Spot-controllable Data Transfer Technique Using COTS Speakers, In Proceedings of IEEE IPIN2016, Madrid, Spain, pp. 1-8, DOI: 10.1109/IPIN.2016.7743651 (2016).
  58. Kumaki, H., Akiyama, T., Hashizume, M., Sugimoto, M.: 3D Indoor Positioning and Rapid Data Transfer Technique using Modulated Illumination, In Proceedings of IEEE IPIN2016, Madrid, Spain (2016).
  59. Backhus, J., Takigawa, I., Imai, H., Kudo, M., Sugimoto, M.: Online EM for the Normalized Gaussian Network with Weight-Time-Dependent Updates, In Proceedings of ICONIP2016, Kyoto, Japan, pp.538-546 (2016).
  60. Ota, Y., Tamaki, H., Sakai, T., Takemura, H., Mizoguchi, H., Inagaki, S., Kusunoki, F., Sugimoto, M.: Novel Application of Kinect Sensor to Prevent Collision Accidents between Machine and Operator, In Proceedings of IEEE ICST 2016, Nanjin, China,pp.249-252 (2016).
  61. Backhus, J., Takigawa, I., Imai, H., Kudo, M., Sugimoto, M.: Reducing Redundancy with Unit Merging for Self-constructive Normalized Gaussian Networks, In Proceedings of ICANN2016, Barcelona, Spain, pp.444-452 (2016).
  62. Alfaroz, S., Woraratpanya, K., Pasupa, K., Sugimoto, M.: Hinge Loss Projection for Classifiation, In Proceedings of ICANN2016, Barcelona, Spain, pp.250-258 (2016).
  63. Alfaroz, S., Woraratpanya, K., Pasupa, K., Sugimoto, M.: Analytical Incremental Learning: Fast Constructive Learning Method for Neural Network, In Proceedings of ICANN2016, Barcelona, Spain, pp.259-268 (2016).
  64. Kigawa, T., Sakano, T., Egusa, R,, Sugimoto, M., Kusunoki, F., Inagaki, S., Mizoguchi, H.: Depth Information Based Separation of Moving Speakers’ Voices from Mixed Recordings, In Proceedings of IEEE SMC2016, Budapest, Hungary, pp.1764-1767 (2016).
  65. Tamaki, H., Sakai, T., Yoshida, R., Egusa, R., Inagaki, S., Yamaguchi, E., usunoki, F., Namatame, M., Sugimoto, M., Mizoguchi, H.: UKIYO-E: User Knowledge Improvement Based on Youth Oriented Entertainment, Art Appreciation Support by Interacting with Picture, In Proceedings of ICEC 2016, Paris, France, pp 3204-3208 (2016).
  66. Sakai, T., Tamaki, H., Yoshida, R., Egusa, R., Yamaguchi, E., Inagaki, S., Kusunoki, F., Namatame, M., Sugimoto, M., Mizoguchi, H.: BECOME: Body Experience-based Co-Operation between Juveniles through Mutually Excited Team Gameplay, In Proceedings of ICEC 2016, Paris, France, pp. 3199-3203 (2016).
  67. Sakai, T., Tamaki, H., Yoshida, R., Egusa, R., Yamaguchi, E., Inagaki, S., Kusunoki, F., Namatame, M., Sugimoto, M., Mizoguchi, H.: Sympathy Augmentation by Kinetically Active Interaction, In Proceedings of ICATI2016, Bali, Indonesia (2016).
  68. Tamaki, H., Sakai, T., Yoshida, R., Ota, Y., Egusa, R., Yamaguchi, E., Inagaki, S., Kusunoki, F., Namatame, M., Sugimoto, M., Mizoguchi, H.:Technologically Ambitious Mechanism for Art Knowledge Improvement, In Proceedings of ICATI 2016, Bali, Indonesia (2016).
  69. Tamaki, H., Sakai, T., Yoshida, R., Ota, Y., Egusa, R., Inagaki, S., Yamaguchi, E., Kusunoki, F., Namatame, M., Sugimoto, M., Mizoguchi, H.: Augmentation of Museum Science Education Using Human-Interaction Technology, In Proceedings of IOSTE 2016, Braga, Portugal (2016).
  70. Sakai T., Tamaki H., Ota Y., Egusa R., Yamaguchi E., Inagaki S., Kusunoki F., Namatame M., Sugimoto, M., Mizoguchi H.: Multiple-Player Full-Body Interaction Game to Enhance Young Children’s Cooperation, In Proceedings of ACM IDC 2016, Manchester, UK, pp.654-659 (2016).
  71. Tamaki H., Sakai T., Ota Y., Egusa R., Yamaguchi E., Inagaki S., Kusunoki F., Namatame M., Sugimoto M., Mizoguchi H.: Participatory Design of UKIYO-E Game for Children to Support Art Appreciation Based on Interacting with Pictures, In Proceedings of ACM IDC 2016, Manchester, UK, pp.637-642 (2016).
  72. Sakai, T., Tamaki, H., Yoshida, R., Egusa, R., Inagaki, S., Yamaguchi, E., Kusunoki, F., Namatame, M., Sugimoto, M., & Mizoguchi, H: COSEY: Computer Supported Enhancement of Young Children’s Cooperation - Toward a Multiple-player Cooperative Full-body Interaction Game -, In Proceedings of CSEDU 2016, Rome, Italy, pp. 175-180 (2016).
  73. Tamaki, H., Sakai, T., Yoshida, R., Egusa, R., Inagaki, S., Yamaguchi, E., Kusunoki, F., Namatame, M., Sugimoto, M., & Mizoguchi, H.: Science Education Enhancement within a Museum using Computer-human Interaction Technology, In Proceedings of CSEDU 2016, Rome, Italy, pp.181-185 (2016).
  74. Pasupa, K., Panawee, C., Wuttilertdeshar, C., Sugimoto, M.: Using Image Feature and Eye Tracking Device to Predict Human Emotions towards Abstract Image, In Proceedings of PSIVT 2015, Auckland, New Zealand, pp.419-430 (2015).
  75. Yoshida, R., Tamaki, H., Sakai, T., Egusa, R., Saito, M., Kamiyama, S., Namatame, M., Sugimoto, M., Kusunoki, F.,Yamaguchi, E., Inagaki, S., Takeda, Y., Mizoguchi, H.: Experience-based Learning Support System to Enhance Child Learning in a Museum -Touching Real Fossils and “Experiencing” Paleontological Environment, In Proceedings of ACM ACE 2015, Iskandar, Malaysia, DOI:10.1145/2832932.2832977 (2015).
  76. Nakadai, T., Hano, M., Mizoguchi, H., Egusa, R., Yamaguchi, E., Inagaki, S., Takeda, Y., Namatame, M., Sugimoto, M., Kusunoki, F.:Novel Application of Microphone Array Sensor for Children's Language Learning Support -- Intelligent Interactive Design Using Voice Separation and Recognition System --, In Proceedings of IEEE ICST 2015, Auckland, New Zealand, pp.466-469 (2015).
  77. Sakai, T., Yoshida, R., Tamaki, H., , Ogitsu, T., Takemura, H., Mizoguchi, H., Yamaguchi, E., Inagaki, S., Takeda, Y., Namatame, M., Sugimoto, M., Saito, M., Kusunoki, F. Egusa, R.: Electrodermal Activity Based Study on the Relationship Between Visual Attention and Eye Blink, In Proceedings of IEEE ICST 2015, Auckland, New Zealand, pp.639-642 (2015).
  78. Tamaki, H., Yoshida, R., Sakai, T., Ogitsu, T., Takemura, H., Mizoguchi, H., Yamaguchi, E., Inagaki, S., Takeda, Y., Namatame, M., Sugimoto, M., Kusunoki, F., Egusa, R.: Novel Application of a Range Image Sensor to Eye Gaze Estimation by Using the Relationship between Face and Eye Directions, In Proceedings of IEEE ICST 2015, Auckland, New Zealand, pp.475-478 (2015).
  79. Yoshida, R., Tamaki, H., Sakai, T., Nakadai, T., Ogitsu, T., Takemura, H., Mizoguchi, H., Kamiyama, S., Yamaguchi, E., Inagaki, S., Takeda, Y., Namatame, M., Sugimoto, M., Kusunoki, F., Saito, M., Egusa, R.: Novel Application of Kinect Sensor to Support Immersive Learning within Museum for Children, In Proceedings of IEEE ICST 2015, Auckland, New Zealand, pp.909-912 (2015).
  80. Nakadai, T., Tamaki, H., Sakai, T., Ogitsu, T., Takemura, H., Mizoguchi, H., Kamiyama, S., Yamaguchi, E., Inagaki, S., Takeda, Y., Namatame, M., Sugimoto, M., Saito, M., Kusunoki, F. Egusa, R.: Novel Application of Spherical Microphone Array Sensor with Three-Dimensional Directivity for Home and Office Environments, In Proceedings of IEEE ICST 2015, Auckland, New Zealand, pp.832-835 (2015).
  81. Pantuwong, N., Takahara, K., Sugimoto, M.: A Rapid Motion Retrieval Technique using Simple and Discrete Representation of Motion Data, In Procedings of IEEE ICITEE 2015, Chiang Mai, Thailand, pp.70-75 (2015).
  82. Kumaki, H., Sugimoto, M., Saito, T., Akiyama, T., Hashizume, H.: A Rapid and Accurate Time-synchronization Technique for Acoustic Localization Using Modulated Illumination, In Proceedings of IPIN2015, Banff, Canada, DOI:10.1109/IPIN.2015.7346963 (2015).
  83. Akiyama, T., Sugimoto, M., Hashizume, H.: SyncSync: Time-of-arrival Based Localization Method Using Light-synchronized Acoustic Waves for Smartphones, In Proceedings of IPIN2015, Banff, Canada, DOI:10.1109/IPIN.2015.7346958 (2015).
  84. Yoshida, R., Tamaki, H., Sakai, T., Egusa, R., Saito, M., Kamiyama, S., Namatame, M., Sugimoto, M., Kusunoki, F., Yamaguchi, E., Inagaki, S., Takeda, Y., Mizoguchi, H.: BESIDE: Immersive System to Enhance Learning within a Museum, In Proceedings of CRIWG 2004, Yerevan, Armenia, pp.181-189 (2015).
  85. Suzuki, E., Deguchi, Y., Matsukawa, T., Ando, S., Ogata, H., Sugimoto, M.: Toward a Platform for Collecting, Mininig, and Utilizing Behavior Data for Detecting Students with Depression Risks, In Proceedings of PETRA 2015, Corfu, Greece, Article No. 26, DOI:10.1145/2769493.2769538 (2015).
  86. Yoshida, R., Adachi, T., Muratsu, K., Mizoguchi, H., Kusunoki, F., Namatame, M., Sugimoto, M., Yamaguchi, E., Inagaki, S., Takeda, Y.: Life-Size Board Game “Human Sugoroku” to Teach Children about Vegetation Succession, In Proceedings of CSEDU 2015, Lisbon, Portugal, pp. 295-300 (2015).
  87. Nakadai, T., Taguchi, T., Egusa, R., Namatame, M., Sugimoto, M., Kusunoki, F., Yamaguchi, E., Inagaki, S., Takeda, Y., Mizoguchi, H.: KIKIMIMI: Voice Separation System for Automating Post Evaluation of Learning Support System, In Proceedings of CSEDU 2015, Lisbon, Portugal pp.301-306 (2015).
  88. Yoshida, R., Egusa, R., Saito, M., Namatame, M., Sugimoto, M., Kusunoki, F., Yamaguchi, E., Inagaki, S., Takeda, Y., Mizoguchi, H.: BESIDE: Body Experience and Sense of Immersion in Digital Paleontological Environment, In Proceedings of CHI 2015, Seoul, South Korea, pp. 1283-1288 (2015).
  89. Nakadai, N., Taguchi, T., Mizoguchi, H., Egusa, R., Yamaguchi, E., Inagaki, S., Takeda, Y., Namatame, M., Sugimoto, M., Kusunoki, F: Implementation and Evaluation of Listenability-Centered Sound Separation System, In Proceedings of IEEE ROBIO 2014, Bali, Indonesia, pp.2383-2388 (2014).
  90. Nakamura, M., Akiyama, T., Sugimoto, M., Hashizume, H.: 3D FDM-PAM: Rapid and Precise Indoor 3D Localization using Acoustic Signal for Smartphone, In Proceedings of UbiComp 2014, Seattle, WA, pp.123-126 (2014).
  91. Akiyama, T., Sugimoto, M., Hashizume, H.: Light-synchronized Acoustic ToA Measurement System for Mobile Smart Nodess, In Proceedings of IEEE IPIN 2014, Busan, South Korea (2014).
  92. Takeuchi, Y., Sugimoto, M.: Interacting with 3D Model on Tabletop and Mobile Paper Projection, In CollabTech 2014, Santiago, Chile, pp.111-118 (2014).
  93. Yoshida, R., Nakayama, T., Ogitsu, T., Takemura, H., Mizoguchi, H., Yamaguchi, E., Inagaki, S., Takeda, Y., Namatame, M., Sugimoto, M., Kusunoki, F.: Feasibility Study on Estimating Visual Attention using Electrodermal Activity, In Proceedings of ICST 2014, Liverpool, UK (2014).
  94. Nakadai, T., Taguchi, T., Mizoguchi, H., Egusa, R., Yamaguchi, E., Inagaki, S., Takeda, Y., Namatame, M., Sugimoto, M., Kusunoki, F.: Novel Application of Spherical Microphone Array Sensor with Three-Dimensional Directivity -KIKIWAKE 3D: Language Game for Children-, In Proceedings of ICST 2014, Liverpool, UK (2014).
  95. Nakadai, T., Taguchi, T., Egusa, R., Namatame, M., Sugimoto, M., Kusunoki, F., Yamaguchi, E., Inagaki, S., Takeda, Y., Mizoguchi, H.: KIKIWAKE: Participatory Design of Language Play Game for Children to Promote Creative Activity based on Recognition of Japanese Phonology, In Proceedings of ACM IDC 2014, Aarhus, Demark, pp. 265-268 (2014).
  96. Nakayama, T., Adachi, T., Muratsu, K., Mizoguchi, H., Namatame, M., Sugimoto, M., Kusunoki, F., Yamaguchi, E., Inagaki, S., Takeda, Y.: Human SUGOROKU : Learning Support System of Vegetation Succession with Full-body Interaction Interface, In Proccedings of ACM CHI (Extended Abstract), Toronto, , Canada, pp. 2227-2732 (2014).
  97. Taguchi, T., Nakadai, T., Egusa, R., Namatame, M., Kusunoki, F., Sugimoto, M., Yamaguchi, E., Inagaki, S., Takeda, Y., Mizoguchi, H.: Investigation on Optimal Microphone Arrangement of Spherical Microphone Array to Achieve Shape Beamforming, In Proceedings of IEEE ISMS 2014, Kangkawi, Malaysia, DOI: 10.1109/ISMS.2014.62 (2014).
  98. Terada, T., Nonaka, H., Yoshikawa, T, Hipeng, M. , Sugimoto, M.:AdDetect: Recognition above the Surface in Multi-Touch Tabletop Environments, The 20th International Display Workshops 2013, Sapporo, Japan (2013).
  99. Akiyama, T., Nakamura, M., Sugimoto, M., Hashizume, H.: Smart Phone Localization Method using Dual-carrier Acoustic Waves, In Proceedings of IEEE IPIN 2013, Montbeliard-Belfort, France, pp.330-338 (2013).
  100. Takahara, K., Pantuwong, N., Yoshikawa, T., Nonaka, H., Sugimoto, M.: An Iterative Motion Retrieval and Synthesis Technique Using a Multi-Touch Device, In Proceedings of Motion in Games 2013, Dublin, Ireland (2013).
  101. Nopparit, S., Pantuwong, N., Sugimoto, M.: A Kinetic Energy-based Feature for Unsupervised Motion Clustering, In Proceedings of ICITEE 2013, Yogyakarta, Indonesia pp. 8-12 (2013).
  102. Taguchi, T., Goseki, M., Mizoguchi, M., Egusa, R., Yamaguchi, E., Inagaki, S., Takeda, Y., Namatame, M., Sugimoto, M., Kusunoki, F.:KIKIWAKE System for Promoting Interest in Sound Source Separation Technique - Novel Application of Microphone Array and Signal Processing, In Proceedings of ICST 2013, Wellington, New Zealand, pp. 831-836 (2013).
  103. Nakayama, T., Adachi, T., Ogitsu, T., Takemura, Mizoguchi, H.,Kusunoki, F., Sugimoto, M., Yamaguchi, E., Inagaki, S., Takeda, Y.: Novel Application of Ultrasonic Sensors and Kinect Sensors to Identify People and Measure Their Location -Realization of "Human SUGOROKU", A Large Scale Board Game in which People Play as Pieces-, In Proceedings of ICST 2013, Wellington, New Zealand pp.470-475 (2013).
  104. Adachi, T., Muratsu, K., Mizoguchi, H., Namatame, M., Sugimoto, M., Kusunoki, F., Yamaguchi, E., Inagaki, S., Takeda, Y.: Full-body Interaction Digital Game of Vegetation Succession for Children, In Proceedings of ICCE 2013, Bali, Indonesia pp.297-299 (2013).
  105. Muratsu, K., Kusunoki, F., Takeda, Y., Inoue, H., Funaoi, H., Yamaguchi, E., Inagaki, S.,Mizoguchi, H., Sugimoto, M.: Evaluation of the "ePocket PlantGuide" to Support Learning about Plants in Vegetation Succession, In Proceedings of ICCE 2013, Bali, Indonesia, pp.628-630 (2013).
  106. Adachi, T., Mizoguchi, H., Namatame, M., Kusunoki, F., Sugimoto, M., Muratsu, K., Yamaguchi, E., Inagaki, S., Takeda, Y.: Development of a Full-body Interaction Digital Game for Children to Learn Vegetation Succession, In Proceedings of ACM ACE 2013, Enschede, The Netherlands, pp.492-496 (2013).
  107. Maeda, Y., Sugimoto, M., Hashizume, H.: Robust Doppler Imaging Method Using Log-step Multicarrier Ultrasonic Signals, In Proceedings of the 2013 Joint UFFC, EFTF, and PFM Symposium, Prague, Czech Republic, DOI: 10.1109/ULTSYM.2013.0338 (2013).
  108. Pantuwong, N., Sugimoto, M.: An Intuitive Computer Animation System for Enhancing Human Creativity, In Proceedings of SSCI 2013, Singapore, pp. 71-78 (2013).
  109. Sato, M., Nonaka, H., Mikulasch, J., Yoshikawa, T., Sugimoto, M.:Manipulation of Virtual Robotic Arm Using 2D Pointing Device, In Proceedings of iHAI 2013, Sapporo, Japan, II-2-p.10 (4 pages) (2013).
  110. Backhus, J. C., Nonaka, H., Yoshikawa, T., Sugimoto, M.: Application of Reinforcement Learning to the Card Game Wizard, In Proceedings of IEEE GCCE2013, Chiba, Japan, pp. 329-333 (2013).
  111. Adachi, T., Goseki, M., Muratsu, K., Mizoguchi, H., Namatame, M., Sugimoto, M., Kusunoki, F., Inagaki, S., Takeda, S.: Human SUGOROKU: Full-body Interaction System for Students to Learn Vegetation Succession, In Proceedings of ACM IDC 2013, New York, NY (2013).
  112. Taguchi, T., Goseki, M., Egusa, R., Namatame, Sugimoto, M., Kusunoki, F., Yamaguchi, E., Inagaki, S., Takeda, Y., Mizoguchi, H.: KIKIWAKE: Sound Source Separation System for Children-Computer Interaction, In Proceedings of ACM CHI 2013 (Extended Abstract), Paris, France (2013).
  113. Muratsu, K., Kusunoki, F., Takeda, Y., Inoue, H., Yamaguchi, E., Inagaki, S., Mizoguchi, H., Sugimoto, M.: Development and Evaluation of the ‘Pocket Plant Guide’ to Support the Observation and Identification of Indicator Plants for Vegetation Succession, In Proceedings of CSEDU 2013, Aachen, Germany (2013).
  114. Nakamura, S., Inoue, Y., Sugimoto, M., Hashizume, H: LT-PAM: A New Ranging Method Using Dual Frequency Optical Signals, In Proceedings of ICST 2012, Kolkata, India, pp.309-314 (2012).
  115. Sugimoto, M., Kanie, N., Nakamura, S., Hashizume, H.: An Accurate 3D Localization Technique using a Single Camera and Ultrasound, In Proceedings of IEEE IPIN 2012, Sydney, Australia, pp.1-8 (2012).
  116. Amaro, S., Sugimoto, M.: Novel Interaction Techniques using Touch-sensitive Tangibles in Tabletop Environments, In Proceedings of ACM ITS 2012, Boston, MA, pp.347-350 (2012).
  117. Takeuchi, Y., Sugimoto, M.: An Immersive Surface for 3D Interactions, In Proceedings of ACM ITS 2012, Boston, MA, pp.359-362,(2012).
  118. Mi, H., Sugimoto, M..: Creating a Tabletop Learning Environment Using Physical Robots, In Proceedings of ICCE 2012 Workshop on Tabletops for Learning - Opportunities and Challenges, Singapore, pp.533-540 (2012).
  119. Hashizume, H., Sugimoto, M., Proposal of Chopper Radar System Enabling Flexible Range Sensitivity Design, In Proceedings of IEEE Sensors, Taipei, Taiwan (2012).
  120. Goseki, M., Adachi, T., Takemura, H., Mizoguchi, H., Kusunoki, F., Sugimoto, M., Yamaguchi, E., Inagaki, S., Takeda, Y.: Full-body Interactive Boardgame for Learning Vegetation Succession Based on Identification of People and 3D Position Measurement, In Proceedings of ICCE 2012, Singapore, pp.514-516 (2012).
  121. Inoue, H., Kusunoki, F., Takeda, Y., Yamaguchi, E., Inagaki, S., Mizoguchi, H., Sugimoto, M.: Evaluation of a Mobile Plant-Identification System to Support the Study of Vegetation Succession, In Proceedings of ICCE 2012, Singapore, pp.438-440 (2012).
  122. Narukawa, H., Pantuwong, P., Sugimoto, M.: A Puppet Interface for the Development of an Intuitive Computer Animation System, In Proceedings of ICPR 2012, Tsukaba, Japan, pp. 3136-3139 (2012).
  123. Laokulrat, N., Maeda, Y, Sugimoto, M., Hashizume, H.: Adaptive Compensation of Non-ideal Transmitter Radiation Pattern for Synthetic Transmit Aperture 3D Imaging, In Proceedings of IEEE IUS 2012, Dresden, Germany (2012).
  124. Maeda, Y., Sugimoto, M., Hashizume, H.: A Novel Algorithm for Doppler Imaging Based on Wavelet Analysis, In Proceedings of IEEE IUS 2012, Dresden, Germany (2012).
  125. Sugimoto, M., Kakiuchi, N., Ozaki, N., Sugawara, R.: A Novel Technique for Raindrop Detection on a Car Windshield using Geometric-Photometric Model, In Proceedings of IEEE ITSC 2012, Anchorage, AK, pp.740 -745(2012).
  126. Adachi, T., Goseki, M., Takemura, H., Mizoguchi, H., Kusunoki, F., Sugimoto, M., Yamaguchi, E., Inagaki, S., Takeda, Y.: Study on Identification of People and 3D Position Measurement with Ultrasonic Sensors and Kinect Sensors, In Proceedings of NOLTA 2012, Majorca, Spain (2012).
  127. Laokulrat, N., Maeda, Y., Sugimoto, M., Hashizume, H.: Compensation of a Transmitter's Radiation Pattern for Synthetic Transmit Aperture Acoustic Imaging, In Proceedings of IEEE IST 2012, Manchester, UK, pp. 179-184 (2012).
  128. Sangsuriyachot, N., Sugimoto, M.: Novel Interaction Techniques Based on a Combination of Hand and Foot Gestures in Tabletop Environments, In In Proceedings of APCHI 2012, Matsue, Japan, pp.21-28 (2012).
  129. Pantuwong, N., Sugimoto, M.: A Novel Framework for 3D Computer Animation Systems for Nonprofessional Users Using an Automatic Rigging Algorithm, In Proceednigs of IEEE ICME 2012, Melbourne, Australia, pp. 896-901 (2012).
  130. Pantuwong, N., Sugimoto, M.: Automatic Rigging Algorithm for 3D Character Animation, In Proceedings of SIGGRAPH ASIA 2010, Hong Kong 2011 (http://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?doid=2073304.2073337).
  131. Siriborvornratanakul, T., Sugimoto, M.: Cooperative Personal Projection Using Multiple DLP Projectors, In Proceedings of SIGGRAPH ASIA 2010, Hong Kong 2011 (http://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?doid=2073304.2073329).
  132. Mi. H., Sugimoto, M.: HATs: Interact Using Height-Adjustable Tangibles in Tabletop Interfaces, In Proceedings of ACM ITS 2011, Kobe, Japan, November, pp. 71-74, November, 2011.
  133. Ali, M., Kunz, A., Sugimoto, M., Fjeld, M.: Dual Mode IR Position and State Transfer for Tangible Tabletops, In Proceedings of ACM ITS 2011, Kobe, Japan, pp.268-269, November, 2011.
  134. Sangsuriyachot, N., Mi, H., Sugimoto, M.:Novel Interaction Techniques by Combining Hand and Foot Gestures on Tabletop Environments, In Proceedings of ACM ITS 2011, Kobe, Japan, pp. 278-279, November, 2011.
  135. Sugimoto, M., Fujita, T., Mi, H.: RoboTable2: A Novel Programming Environment using Physical Robots on a Tabletop Platform, In Proceedings of ACM ACE2011, Lisbon, Portugal, November 2011 (http://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?doid=2071423.2071436).
  136. Nakamura, S., Sugimoto, M., Hashizume, H.: Measuring Phase Characteristics of Ultrasonic Microphones for Accurate Ultrasonic Localization Systems, In Proceedings of IEEE IUS 2011, Orlando, October 2011 (http://ewh.ieee.org/conf/ius_2011/IUS2011/technical_program/program/IUS_Abstract_Book_2011_Final_low.pdf).
  137. Mizutani, K., Sugimoto, M., Hashizume, H.: 3D Reconstruction from Adaptive Matrix Microphone Array Signals using Back Projection Algorithm, In Proceedings of IEEE IUS 2011, Orlando, October 2011 (http://ewh.ieee.org/conf/ius_2011/IUS2011/technical_program/program/IUS_Abstract_Book_2011_Final_low.pdf).
  138. Maeda, Y., Sugimoto, M., Hashizume, H.: A Robust Doppler Ultrasonic 3D-imaging System with MEMS Microphone Array and Configurable Processor, In Proceedings of IEEE IUS 2011, Orlando, October 2011 (http://ewh.ieee.org/conf/ius_2011/IUS2011/technical_program/program/IUS_Abstract_Book_2011_Final_low.pdf).
  139. Laokulrat, N., Sugimoto, M., Hashizume, H.: Synthetic Transmit Aperture 3D Image Reconstruction Using 2D Transmitter Array, In Proceedings of IEEE IUS 2011, Orlando, October 2011 (http://ewh.ieee.org/conf/ius_2011/IUS2011/technical_program/program/IUS_Abstract_Book_2011_Final_low.pdf).
  140. Nakamura, S., Sato, T., Terabayashi, K., Sugimoto, M., Hashizume, H.: An Accurate and Compact 3D Positioning System for a Moving Target by Integrating Extended Phase Accordance Method and Particle Filter, In Proceedings of IEEE IPIN 2011, Guimaraes, Portugal, September 2011 (http://ipin2011.dsi.uminho.pt/detailedProgram.php).
  141. Sato, T., Nakamura, S., Terabayashi, K., Sugimoto, M., Hashizume, H.: Design and Implementation of a Robust and Real-time Ultrasonic Motion-capture System, In Proceedings of IEEE IPIN 2011, Guimaraes, Portugal, September, pp.1-6, 2011 (http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/freeabs_all.jsp?arnumber=6071907).
  142. Mi, H., Sugimoto, M.: Design, Implementations and Applications of Bidirectional Tangible Interfaces in a Tabletop Computing Platform, In UbiComp 2011 Workshop on the Role of Design in UbiComp Research and Practice, Beijing, China, September 2011 (
  143. Deguchi, A., Takeda, Y., Kusunoki, F., Tanaka, M., Inagaki, S., Yamaguchi, E., Sugimoto, M.: Development and Evaluation of a Digital Environmental Learning Game for Children, In Proc. of ESERA2011, Lyon, France, September 2011 (in press).
  144. Kusunoki, F., Takeda, Y., Tanaka, M., Yamaguchi, E., Deguchi, A., Kamiyama, S., Inagaki, S., Sugimoto, M.: Evaluation of the User Interface Design on Vegetation Interaction Game for Children, In Proceedings of ACM VINCI 2011, Hong Kong, China, August 2011 (http://www.cse.ust.hk/vinci2011/program.html).
  145. Deguchi, A., Takeda, Y., Kusunoki, F., Tanaka, M., Inagaki, S., Yamaguchi, E., Sugimoto, M.: Improvement and Evaluation of Vegetation Interaction Game, In Proceedings of IADIS GET 2011, Rome, Italy, pp. 114-118, July 2011.
  146. Deguchi, A., Kusunoki, F., Inagaki, S., Takeda, Y., Yamaguchi, E., Sugimoto, M.: Vegetation Interaction Game: Digital SUGOROKU to Learn Vegetation Succession for Children, In Proceedings of CSCL 2011, Hong Kong, China, pp.896-897, July 2011.
  147. Sugimoto, M., Dao, V.N., Seki, E.: An Adaptive Projection Technique for Monochromatic Non-flat Surfaces using a Handheld Projector-Camera System, In Proc. of Mobile and Personal Projection 2011, Vancouver, Canada, May, 2011 (http://www.mhci.uni-due.de/mp2/pdf/ sugimoto_mp2.pdf ).
  148. Mizutani, K., Sugimoto, M., Hashizume, H.: Acoustic Imaging Reconstruction from Adaptive Microphone Array Signals using Back Projection, In Proc. of 31st International Acoustical Imaging Symposium (AI-31), Warsaw, Poland, April 2011 (included in Acoustical Imaging Vol. 31, pp. 267-278, 2012).
  149. Maeda, Y., Sugimoto, M., Hashizume, H.: MEMS Microphone Array and Signal Pocessor for Realtime Acoustic Object Detection, In Proc. of 31st International Acoustical Imaging Symposium (AI-31), Warsaw, Poland, April 2011 (included in Acoustical Imaging Vol. 31, pp. 371-382, 2012).
  150. Dao, V.N., Sugimoto, M.: A Correspondence Matching Technique of Dense Checkerboard Pattern for One-shot Geometry, Proc. of SIGGRAPH ASIA 2010 (Technical Sketch), Seoul, South Korea, 2010 [DVD-ROM].
  151. Pantuwong, N., Sugimoto, M.: Skeleton-Growing: A Vector-Field-Based 3D Curve-Skeleton Extraction Algorithm, Proc. of SIGGRAPH ASIA 2010 (Technical Sketch), Seoul, South Korea, 2010 [DVD-ROM].
  152. Pantuwong, N., Sugimoto, M.:3D Curve-Skeleton Extraction Algorithm Using a Pseudo-Normal Vector Field, In Proc. of VMV 2010, Siegen, Germany, pp. 235-242, 2010.
  153. Siriborvornratanakul, T., Sugimoto, M.: Multiscale Visual Object Detection for Unsupervised Ubiquitous Projection Based on a Portable Projector-Camera System, In Proc. of IEEE DICTA 2010, Sydney, Australia, pp.623-628, 2010.
  154. Pantuwong, N.,Sugimoto, M.:3D Curve-Skeleton Extraction Using a Skeleton-Growing Algorithm, In Proc. of IEEE Visualization, Salt Lake City, Utah, 2 pages, 2010.
  155. Mizutani, K., Ito, T., Sugimoto, M., Hashizume, H.: Fast and Accurate Ultrasonic 3D Localization Using the TSaT-MUSIC Algorithm, In Proc. of IEE IPIN 2010, Zurich, Switzerland, pp.1-5,2010.
  156. Nakamura, S., Sato, T., Sugimoto, M., Hashizume, H.: An Accurate Technique for Simultaneous Measurement of 3D Position and Velocity of a Moving Object Using a Single Ultrasonic Receiver Unit, In Proc. of IEEE IPIN 2010, Zurich, Switzerland, pp.1-7, 2010.
  157. Deguchi, A., Inagaki, S., Kusunoki, F., Yamaguchi, E., Takeda, Y., Sugimoto, M.:Vegetation Interaction Game: Digital SUGOROKU of Vegetation Succession for Children, In Proc. of ICEC 2010, Seoul, South Korea, pp.493-495, 2010.
  158. Dao, V. N., Sugimoto, M.: A Robust Recognition Technique for Dense Checkerboard Patterns, In Proc. of ICPR 2010, Istanbul, Turkey, pp. 3081-3084, 2010.
  159. Krzywinski, A., Mi, H., Chen, W., Sugimoto, M.: Playing with Robots: A Tabletop Framework for Robot and Human Game Playing, In Proc. of IADIS GET 2010, Freiburg, Germany, 2010.
  160. Sato, T., Nakamura, S., Sugimoto, M., Hashizume, H.: A Realtime and Accurate Technique for Estimating Position and Velocity of Moving Node using Ultrasonic Communication, In Proc. of ICST 2010, Lecce, Italy, pp. 428-433, 2010.
  161. Mi, H., Krzywinski, A., Sugimoto, M., Chen, W.: RoboStory: A Tabletop Mixed Reality Framework for Children's Role Play Storytelling, In Proc. of ACM IDC 2010 Workshop on Interactive Storytelling for Children, Barcelona, Spain, 2010 .
  162. Yamaguchi, E., Deguchi, A., Inagaki, S., Sugimoto, M., Kusunoki, F., Takeda, Y., Kamiyama, S.: A Curriculum Design Framework For Linking Simulation Use to Practical Work: Toward Understanding Sense of Reality in the Learning about Complex Systems in Nature, In Proc. of XIV. IOSTE Symposium, Bled, Slovenia, pp. 1231-1239, 2010.
  163. Dao, V. N., Sugimoto, M.: A Robust and Dynamic Scene Geometry Acquisition Technique for a Mobile Projector-Camera System, In Proc. of ACM SIGGRAPH ASIA, Yokohama, Japan, 2009 [DVD-ROM].
  164. Thitirat, S., Sugimoto, M.: A Portable Projector Extended for Object-Centered Real-time Interactions, In Proc. of CVMP 2009, London, UK, pp.118-126, 2009.
  165. Krzywinski, A., Mi, H., Chen, W., Sugimoto, M.: RoboTable: A Tabletop Framework for Tangible Interaction with Robots in a Mixed Reality, In Proc. of ACM ACE2009, Athens, Greece, pp. 107-114, 2009 (採択率22.1%).
  166. Deguchi, A., Inagaki, S., Kusunoki, F., Yamaguchi, E., Takeda, Y. Sugimoto, M.: Development and Evaluation of a Digital Vegetation Interaction Game for Children, In Proc. of ICEC 2009, Paris, France, pp.288-289, 2009.
  167. Ito, T., Sugimoto, M., Hashizume, H.: High-Resolution Acoustic Imaging Using Multi-Carrier Waveforms Synthesized by Genetic Algorithm, In Proc. of IEEE Ultrasonic Symposium 2009, Rome, Italy, pp.685-689, 2009.
  168. Sugimoto, M., Ito, T., Nguyen, G.T., Inagaki, S.: GENTORO: A System for Supporting Children's Storytelling using Handheld Projectors and a Robot, In Proc. of ACM IDC 2009, Como, Italy pp. 214-217, 2009 (採択率 36.6%).
  169. Sugimoto, M., Tulathimutte, K., Ito, T., Sato, T., Hashizume, H.: An Ultrasonic 3D Positioning System using a Single Compact Receiver Unit, In Proc. of LoCA 2009, pp.240-253, Tokyo, Japan (採択率 33.3%).
  170. Ito, T., Sugimoto, M., Hashizume, H.: A Simple Linear Model for Acoustic Imaging in Temporal and Directional Frequency Space, In Proc. of 30th International Acoustical Imaging Symposium, Monterey, CA, 2009 (included in Acoustical Imaging Vol.31, pp. 279-288, 2012).
  171. Hosoi, K., Dao, V.N., Mori, A., Sugimoto, M.: Mobile Display-based Manipulation: An Intuitive and Interactive Technique for Manipulating Simple Robots, In Proc. of ACM ACE 2008, Yokohama, Japan, pp.271-274, 2008.
  172. Ito, T., Sato, T., Tulathimutte, K., Sugimoto, M., Hashizume, H.: A Scalable Tracking System Using Ultrasonic Communication, In Proceedings of ICST 2008, Tainan, Taiwan, pp.31-36, 2008.
  173. Siriborvornratanakul, T., Sugimoto, M.: Clutter-aware Dynamic Projection System using a Handheld Projector, In Proc of IEEE ICARCV2008, Hanoi, Vietnam, pp. 1271-1276, 2008 .
  174. Siriborvornratanakul, T., Sugimoto, M.: Clutter-aware Adaptive Projection inside a Dynamic Environment, In Proc of ACM VRST 2008, Bordeaux, France, pp.241-242, 2008 .
  175. Ito, T., Nguyen, G.T., Sugimoto, M.: A Storytelling Support System Using Robots and Handheld Projectors, In Proc. of IDC 2008, Evanston, IL, 2008 [DVD-ROM].
  176. Siriborvornratanakul, T., Sugimoto, M.: Self-Correcting Handheld Projectors Inside Cluttered Environment, In Proc. of IWAIT 2008, Hsinchu, Taiwan, 2008 [CD-ROM].
  177. Dao, V.N., Hosoi, K., Sugimoto, M.: A Semi-Automatic Realtime Calibration Technique for a Handheld Projector, In Proc. of ACM VRST 2007, Newport Beach, CA, pp.43-46, 2007.
  178. Miura, S., Ravasio, P, Sugimoto, M.: Nurturing Learners' Communities by Creating and Sharing Maps, In Proc. of INTERACT2007 Workshop on Map Based Interaction in Social Networks, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2007 [CD-ROM].
  179. Hosoi, K., Dao, V.N., Mori, A., Sugimoto, M.: CoGAME: Manipulation by Projection, In Proc. of ACM SIGGRAPH 2007 Emerging Technologies, San Diego, CA, 2007 [DVD-ROM] (採択率).
  180. Yamaguchi, E., Inagaki, S., Sugimoto, M. et al.: Fostering Students Participation in Face-to-Face Interactions and Deepening Their Understanding by Integrating Personal and Shared Spaces, In Proc. of CSCL2007, New Brunswick, NJ, pp.794-796, 2007.
  181. Hosoi, K., Dao, V.N., Mori, A., Sugimoto, M.: VisiCon: A Robot Control Interface for Visualizing the Manipulation Using a Handheld Projector, In Proc. of ACM ACE 2007, Salzburg, Austria, pp.99-106, 2007.
  182. Takeuchi, Y., Sugimoto, M.: User-Adaptive Home Video Summarization using Personal Photo Libraries, In Proc. of ACM CIVR 2007, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, pp. 472-479, 2007.
  183. Sugimoto, M., Ravasio, P., Enjoji, H.: SketchMap: A System for Supporting Outdoor Collaborative Learning by Enhancing and Sharing Learners' Experiences, In Proc. of ICCE Workshop on Design and Experiments of Mobile and Ubiquitous Learning Environments, Beijing, China, pp.1-8, 2006 .
  184. Hosoi, K., Sugimoto, M.: Shepherd: An Interface for Overcoming Reference Frame Transformations in Robot Control, In Proceedings of IEEE ROBIO2006, Kunming, China, pp.908-913, 2006.
  185. Hosoi, K., Sugimoto, M.: Shepherd: A Mobile Interface for Robot Control from a User's Viewpoint, In Proc. of ACM UIST2006, Montreux, Switzerland, pp. 89-90, 2006.
  186. Takeuchi, Y., Sugimoto, M.: An Intelligent City Guide with a "Metal Detector" Interface, In Proc. of ACM UIST2006, Montreux, Switzerland, pp.97-98, 2006.
  187. Takeuchi, Y., Sugimoto, M.: Video Summarization using Personal Photo Libraries, In Proc. of ACM MIR2006, Santa Barbara, CA, pp.213-222, 2006.
  188. Sugimoto, M., Hiroki, K.: HybridTouch: An Intuitive Manipulation Technique for PDAs Using Their Front and Rear Surfaces, In Proceedings of MobileHCI 2006, Espoo, Finland, pp.137-140, 2006 (採択率16.6%).
  189. Enjoji, H., Ravasio, P., Sugimoto, M.: A Collaboration Support Tool for Cartography Learning in the Open Air, In Proc. of CollabTech, Tsukuba, Japan, pp.90-95, 2006.
  190. Takeuchi, Y., Sugimoto, M.: CityVoyager: An Outdoor Recommendation System Based on User Location History, In Proc. of UIC2006, Wuhan and Three Gorges, China, pp.625-636, 2006.
  191. Miura, S., Sugimoto, M.: Supporting Children's Rhythm Learning Using Vibration Devices, In Proc. of ACM CHI2006 Extended Abstract, Montreal, Canada, pp.1127-1132, 2006.
  192. Deguchi, A., Yamaguchi, E., Inagaki, S., Sugimoto, M et al.: CarettaKids: A System for Supporting Children's Face-to-Face Collaborative Learning by Integrating Personal and Shared Spaces, In Proc. of ACM IDC 2006, Tampere, Finland, pp.45-48, 2006 (採択率 38%).
  193. Ravasio, P., Tscherter, V., Sugimoto, M.: SketchMap: A Collaborative Tool to Learn Basic Cartographical Concepts, In Proc. of COOP'06, Carry-le-Rouet, France, pp.115-122, 2006.
  194. Hashizume, H., Kaneko, A., Sugano, Y., Yatani, K., Sugimoto, M.: Fast and Accurate Positioning Technique Using Ultrasonic Phase Accordance Method, In Proc. of IEEE TENCON'05, Melbourne, Australia, pp. 826-831, 2005.
  195. Miura, S., Sugimoto, M.: T-RHYTHM: A System for Supporting Rhythm Learning by Using Tactile Devices, In Proc. of IEEE WMTE2005, Tokushima, Japan, pp. 264-268, 2005.
  196. Sugimoto, M., Kusunoki, F., Inagaki, S., Yamaguchi, E.: Enhancing Externalization and Reflection by Integrating Personal and Shared Workspaces, In Proc. of ECSCW2005, Paris, France, pp. 117-119, 2005.
  197. Yatani, K., Sugimoto, M., Hashizume, H.: A Multiplayer Whack-A-Mole Game Using Gestural Input in a Location-Sensitive and Immersive Environment, In Proc. of IECE2005, Kobe, Japan, pp. 9-12, 2005.
  198. Takeuchi, Y., Sugimoto, M.: An Outdoor Recommendation System based on User Location History, In Proc. of ubiPCMM2005, Tokyo, Japan, pp. 91-100, 2005.
  199. Yatani, K., Sugimoto, M., Hashizume, H.: ARHunter: A Multiplayer Game Using Gestural Input in a Location-Sensitive and Immersive Environment, In Proc. of International Workshop on Ubiquitous Computing, Entertainment, and Games, Tokyo, Japan, 2005.
  200. Sugimoto, M., Miyahara, K., Inoue, H., Tsunesada, Y.: Hotaru: Intuitive Manipulation Techniques for Projected Displays of Mobile Devices, In Proc. of INTERACT2005, Rome, Italy, pp.57-68, 2005 (採択率27%).
  201. Kusunoki, F., Yamaguti, T., Kaji, H., Nishimura, T., Yatani, K., Sugimoto, M.: Interaction of Animations with PDA for Learning in Museum, In Proc. of INTERACT 2005, Rome, Italy, pp. 11-14, 2005.
  202. Kusunoki, F., Yamaguti, T., Nishimura, T., Yatani, K., Sugimoto, M.: Interactive and Enjoyable Interface in Museum, In Proc, of ACM ACE 2005, Valencia, Spain, pp. 70-77, 2005.
  203. Yatani, K., Tamura, K., Hiroki, K., Sugimoto, M., Hashizume, H.: Toss-It: Intuitive Information Transfer Techniques for Mobile Devices, In Proc. of ACM CHI2005, Portland, Oregon, pp.1857-1860, 2005.
  204. Miyahara, K., Inoue, H., Tsunesada, Y., Sugimoto, M.: Intuitive Manipulation Techniques for Projected Displays of Mobile Devices, In Proc. of ACM CHI2005, Portland, Oregon, pp.1881-1884, 2005.
  205. Yatani, K., Tamura, K., Sugimoto, M., Hashizume, H.: Information Transfer Techniques for Mobile Devices by Toss and Swing Actions, In Proceedings of IEEE Workshop on Mobile Computing Systems and Applications, pp. 144-151, 2004.
  206. Sugimoto, M., Hosoi,K., Hashizume, H.: Caretta: A System for Supporting Face-to-Face Collaboration by Integrating Personal and Shared Spaces, In Proceedings of ACM CHI2004, Vienna, Austria, pp.41-48, 2004 (採択率16%).
  207. Yatani, K., Sugimoto, M., Kusunoki, F.: Musex: A System for Supporting Children's Collaborative Learning in a Museum with PDAs, In Proceedings of IEEE WMTE2004, Taoyuan, Taiwan, p.109-113, 2004.
  208. Hosoi, K., Sugimoto, M.: Integrating Shared and Personal Spaces to Support Collaborative Learning, In Proceedings of HCII2003, Crete, Greece, pp. 956-960, 2003.
  209. Sugimoto, M., Kusunoki,F, Inagaki, S, Takatoki, K, Yoshikawa, A: Design of a System and a Curriculum to Support Group Learning for School Children, In Proceedings of CSCL2003, Bergen Norway, pp.303-312, 2003 (採択率25%).
  210. Kusunoki, F., Sugimoto, M., , Yatani, K., Nishimura, T.: PI-BOOK: Collaborative Learning Tool at a Museum, In Proc. of e-Society 2003, Lisbon, Portugal, pp. 999-1002, June 2003.
  211. Sugimoto, M., Kusunoki, F., Inagaki, S., Takatoki, K., Yoshikawa, A.: A System for Supporting Group Learning in Face to Face and Networked Environments, In Proceedings of ACM CSCW2002, New Orleans, LA, p. 56 (video submission, 2002.
  212. Kusunoki, F., Sugimoto, M., Hashizume, H.: Supporting Collaborative Music Learning with a Sensing Board, In Proceedings of IEEE SMC2002, Hammet, Tunisia, 2002.
  213. Kusunoki, F., Sugimoto, M., Hashizume, H.: Toward an Interactive Museum Guide with Sensing and Wireless Network Technologies, In Proceedings of IEEE WMTE2002, Vaxjo, Sweden, pp.99-102, 2002.
  214. Sugimoto, M., Kusunoki, F., Hashizume, H.: Design of an Interactive System for Group Learning Support, In Proceedings of ACM DIS2002, London, UK, pp.50-55, 2002 (採択率21.9%).
  215. Sugimoto, M., Suthers, D., Bruckman, A., Miyagawa, S., Nakakoji, K., Sayeki, Y.: Multicultural Issues in Design, Evaluation and Dissemination of CSCL Systems, In Proceedings of CSCL2002, Boulder, CO, pp. 677-678 (2002).
  216. Kusunoki, F., Sugimoto, M., Hashizume, H.: Electronically Enhanced Board Games by Integrating Physical and Virtual Spaces, In Proceedings of ICEC2002, Makuhari, Japan, pp.200-211, 2002.
  217. Kusunoki, F., Sugimoto, M., Hashizume, H.: A Support System for Music Learning through Collaboration, In Proceedings of CSCL2002, Boulder, CO, pp. 491-492, 2002.
  218. Sugimoto, M., Kusunoki, F., Hashizume, H.: A System for Supporting Group Activities with a Sensor-Embedded Board, In Proceedings of ECSCW2001, Bonn, Germany, pp. 25-28, 2001.
  219. Sugimoto, M., Kusunoki, F., Hashizume, H.: A User Interface for Accessing to Information Spaces by the Manipulation of Physical Objects, In Proceedings of HCII, New Orleans, LA, pp.56-60, 2001.
  220. Sugimoto, M., Kusunoki, F., Hashizume, H.: E2board: An Electronically Enhanced Board for Games and Group Activity Support, In Proceedings of Affective Human Factors Design, Singapore, pp.227-234, 2001.
  221. Kusunoki, F., Sugimoto, M., Hashizume, H.: A Networked Board System for Supporting Collaborative Learning, In Proceedings of ECSCL2001, Maastricht, The Netherlands, pp. 714-715 2001.
  222. Kusunoki, F., Sugimoto, M., Hashizume, H.: A System for Supporting Collaborative Learning by Pupils for Pupils, In Proceedings of SCI2000, Orlando, FL , pp.152-158, 2000.
  223. Sugimoto, M., Kusunoki, F., Hashizume, H.: Supporting Face-to-Face Group Activities with a Sensor-Embedded Board, In Proceedings of ACM CSCW2000 Workshop on Shared Environments to Support Face-to-Face Collaboration, Philadelphia, PA, pp.46-49, 2000.
  224. Kusunoki, F., Sugimoto, M., Hashizume, H.: Discovering how other pupils think by collaborative learning in a classroom, In Proceeding of KES2000, Brighton, UK, pp.667-670, 2000.
  225. Kusunoki, F., Sugimoto, M., Hashizume, H.: Toward the Integration of Physical and Virtual Worlds for Supporting Group Learning, In Digital Cities: Technologies, Experiences, and Future Perspectives, Springer-Verlag, pp. 224-235, 2000.
  226. Sugimoto, M., Kusunoki, F., Hashizume, H.: ePro: A System for Supporting Collaboration that Enhances Interactions, In Proceedings of IEEE SMC 2000, Nashville, TN, pp.745-750, 2000.
  227. Kusunoki, F., Sugimoto, M., Hashizume, H.: A System for Supporting Group Learning that Enhances Interactions, In Proceedings of CSCL'99, Stanford, CA, pp.323-327, 1999.
  228. Sugimoto, M., Katayama, N.: Information Visualization for Utilizing Distributed Information Resources, In Proceedings of the ACM Workshop on New Paradigm for Information Visualization and Management (NPIV'98), Bethesda, MD, pp. 118 - 121, 1998.
  229. Sugimoto, M., Katayama, N.: COSPEX: A System for Utilizing Distributed Information Resources, In Proceedings of ISFST'98, Hangzhou, China, pp. 389 - 390, 1998.
  230. Sugimoto, M., Hori, K., Ohsuga, S.: Systems for Supporting Creative Activities by Visualizing Concept Spaces, In Proceedings of CSI'98, Research Triangle Park, NC, pp. 458 - 461, 1998.
  231. Sugimoto, M., Katayama, N., Takasu, A.: COSPEX: A System for Constructing Private Digital Libraries, In Proceedings of IJCAI-97, Nagoya, Japan, pp. 738-744, 1997(採択率24%).
  232. Sugimoto, M., Katayama, N., Takasu, A.: Toward the Mediation of Semantic Gaps between Users and Digital Libraries, In IJCAI-97 Workshop, AI in Digital Libraries - Moving from Chaos to (More) Order, Nagoya, Japan, pp. 57 - 66, 1997.
  233. Sugimoto, M., Hori, K., Ohsuga, S.: A System for Supporting Researchers' Creativity by Visualizing Different Viewpoints, In Proceedings of Creativity & Cognition, UK, pp. 95-107, 1996.
  234. Katayama, N., Sugimoto, M., Adachi, J.: A Universal Query Interface for Heterogeneous Distributed Digital Libraries, In Proceedings of International. Workshop on Database and Expert System Applications (DEXA'96), pp. 332 - 339, 1996.
  235. Sugimoto, M., Hori, K., Ohsuga, S.: A Document Retrieval System for Assisting Creative Research, In Proceedings of ICDAR'95, Montreal, Canada, pp 167-170, 1995.
  236. Sugimoto, M., Hori, K., Ohsuga, S.: A System for Assisting Creative Research Activity, Symbiosis of Human and Artifact: Future Computing and Design of Human Computer Interaction, Anzai, Y., Ogawa, K. and Mori, H., Editors, Elsevier, pp. 685 - 690, 1995.
  237. Sugimoto, M., Hori, K. Ohsuga, S.: A Method to Assist Building and Expressing Subjective Concepts and Its Application to Design Problems, In Proceedings of Creativity & Cognition, UK, 1993.
  238. Hori, K., Sugimoto, M., Ohsuga, S: An Application of Articulation Aid to Design, Information Modelling and Knowledge Bases 4, Kangassalo, H., Hori, K. and Kitahashi, T., Editors, IOS press, Amsterdam, pp. 48 - 56, 1993.

D.国内会議論文(査読あり, 2005年以降)
  1. Laokulrat, N., Maeda, Y., Sugimoto, M., Hashizume, H.: Evaluation of Synthetic Transmit Aperture 3D Acoustic Imaging Using 2D Transmitter Array, 超音波エレクトロニクスの基礎と応用に関するシンポジウム(USE 2011), Kyoto University, Kyoto, pp.309-310, November (2011).
  2. 藤田 智樹, 米 海鵬, 杉本 雅則:タンジブルなロボットを導入したテーブルトップ環境における 直感的なプログラミング手法の提案, インタラクション2011(口頭発表), 東京, pp.155-162 (2011).
  3. 佐藤 智彦, 中村 成希,寺林 光太郎,杉本 雅則, 橋爪 宏達: 超音波通信を用いた高精度モーションキャプチャの設計, 超音波エレクトロニクスの基礎と応用に関するシンポジウム(USE 2010), 東京, pp. 445-446 (2010).
  4. 中村 成希, 佐藤 智彦, 杉本 雅則, 橋爪 宏達: 拡張位相一致法と適応的フィルタリングを統合した高精度な超音波位置速度推定, 超音波エレクトロニクスの基礎と応用に関するシンポジウム(USE 2010), 東京 pp. 491-492 (2010).
  5. 水谷 享平,杉本 雅則, 橋爪 宏達: 時間Capon法とフィルタ補正逆投影法による音響イメージング手法に関する基礎検討, 超音波エレクトロニクスの基礎と応用に関するシンポジウム(USE 2010), 東京, pp. 487-488 (2010).
  6. Natsuda Laokulrat, Masanori Sugimoto, Hiromichi Hashizume: Design and Implementation of Real-time Acoustic Imaging System Using Synthetic Transmit Aperture, Proc of USE 2010, Tokyo, pp. 481-482 (2010).
  7. 細井 一弘,ダオ ヴィン ニン,森 晶洋,杉本 雅則: モバイルディスプレイを用いた直感的なヒューマンロボットインタラクションの提案, インタラクション2008, 東京,pp. 17-24, 2008.
  8. Dao, V., Hosoi, K., Sugimoto, M.: Using Tilt Sensor and Digital Compass in Auto-calibration Handheld Projector, インタラクション2007 (インタラクティブ発表), 東京, pp. 207-208, 2007.
  9. 細井一弘, 杉本 雅則: Shepherd:ユーザ視点のマルチロボットコントロールを実現するモバイルインターフェイスの提案, インタラクション2006 (インタラクティブ発表), 東京,pp. 75-76. 2006.
  10. 廣木 桂一, 矢谷 浩司,杉本 雅則: Hybrid Touch: モバイルデバイスの表裏両面からの捜査を連携させることによる直感的な入力手法,インタラクション 2006(インタラクティブ発表), 東京,pp.45-46, 2006.
  11. 矢谷 浩司, 田村 晃一, 廣木 桂一, 杉本 雅則, 橋爪 宏達, Toss-It: モバイルデバイスにおける「トス」や「振り」の動作を用いた情報の移動を直感的に実現するインタフェース技術, インタラクション2005, pp. 151-158, 2005.
  12. Ravasio, P. Tscherter, V., Sugimoto, M.: SketchMap: Supporting Children in Drawing 'Personal Environment Maps', インタラクション2006(イン タラクティブ発表), 東京,pp.71-72, 2006.
  13. 廣木 桂一, 矢谷 浩司, 杉本 雅則: モバイルデバイスの表裏両面からの操作を連携させることによる効率的な入力手法, インタラクション2005(インタラクティブ発表), 東京, pp. 61-62, 2005.
  14. 宮原 耕介,井上 博司,常定 裕司,杉本 雅則:HOTARU: 携帯端末画面を投影することによるインタラクション手法の提案, インタラクション2005(インタラクティブ発表) , 東京, pp. 95-96, 2005.

  1. 橋爪 宏達, 杉本 雅則:汎用ビデオカメラを用いた可視光通信, 電子情報通信学会誌, Vol.101, No.1, pp. 44-51 (2018)
  2. 橋爪 宏達, 杉本 雅則: 高速高精度デバイス間同期技術とその応用, 化学工業, Vol.67, No.2, pp. 85-88 (2016).
  3. 杉本 雅則:携帯プロジェクタカメラシステムを用いたモバイルヒューマンインタフェースのための幾何学補正手法,画像ラボ, Vol. 22, No. 8, pp.54-59, 2011.
  4. 杉本 雅則:画像認識手法を用いたヒューマンインタフェースの研究動向, 映像情報メディア学会誌, Vol. 64, No. 12, pp.1793-1796 (2010).
  5. 杉本 雅則:拡張現実感手法を用いた学習支援, 人工知能学会論文誌, Vol.23, No.2, pp.237-242, 2008.
  6. 杉本 雅則:実世界とのインタラクションによる学習支援, 教育システム情報学会誌, Vol.22, No.3, pp.161-168, 2005.
  7. 杉本 雅則:情報収集システムにおけるユーザモデリングと適応的インタラクション, 人工知能学会論文誌, Vol.14, No.1, pp. 25-32, 1999.
  8. Fischer, G. 杉本 雅則(翻訳):グループには頭がない - 社会的インタラクションを支援するための概念的枠組みとシステム, 情報処理, Vol.40, No. 6, pp. 575-582, 1999.

  1. Sugimoto, M.: Indoor Positioning for Smartphones, In Proceedings of IEEE ICITEE 2021, Chiang Mai, Thailand (online, Oct. 2021).
  2. 杉本 雅則, 橋爪 宏達: Augmented Indoors: Another AI Technology for Our Life, 情報処理学会第168回コンピュータグラフィックスとビジュアル情報学研究会, 北海道大学,札幌,2017年11月.
  3. 杉本 雅則, 橋爪 宏達: 音響信号を用いることによる屋内測位技術, DICOMO 2017シンポジウム, 定山渓,札幌,2017年6月.
  4. 杉本 雅則: センサデータの利用とLAへの期待,第3回九州大学基幹教育シンポジウム,九州大学,福岡,2016年11月.
  5. Sugimoto, M.: Indoor Positioning: Challenges and Opportunities, In Proceedings of IEEE ICITEE 2015, Chiang Mai, Thailand (2015).
  6. Sugimoto, M.: Beyond Wow Effect: Making Fun Experience Learning and Learning Experience Fun, In Proceedings of AECT-ICFER 2013, Taichung, Taiwan (2013).
  7. 橋爪 宏達, 杉本 雅則:空中超音波の特性と対象測位・イメージング技術, 日本音響学会秋季研究発表会, 信州大学, 長野, 2012年 9月 (2012).
  8. Sugimoto, M.: Making Computational Media more Interactive: Intuitive Interaction Techniques for Collaboration and Learning, Proceedings of ISEILA, Taipei, Taiwan, 2012.
  9. Sugimoto, M.: Collaborative Storytelling Using Mobile Robots, In Proceedings of ICCE 2008, Taipei, Taiwan, October, 2008.
  10. Sugimoto, M.: Enhancing Children’s Learning Experiences by Integrating Outdoor and Classroom Activities, 2007 HP Technology for Teaching Worldwide Higher Education Conference, Monterey, CA, 2007.
  11. Sugimoto, M.: What can Children Learn through Game-based Learning Systems?, In Proceedings of IEEE DIGITEL 2007, Jhongli, Taiwan, pp.5-7, 2007.
  12. 杉本 雅則:実世界とのインタラクションによる協調学習支援環境, ユビキタス技術による新しい学習環境の創生シンポジウム,徳島大学, 徳島2005年3月.
  13. Sugimoto, M.: Mobile and Sensing Technologies for Supporting Collaborative Learning, International Symposium on Advanced Research and Development for Learning Technology, Taipei, Taiwan, 2003.
  14. Sugimoto, M.: How Sensing and Mobile Technologies Can Enhance Collaborative Learning in Classrooms and Museum? In Proceedings of CSCL 2003, Bergen, Norway, 2003.

  1. Introduction on CSCL: Technologies for supporting collaborative learning, In Proceedings of CSCL 2009, Rhodes, Greece, 2009 (http://www.isls.org/cscl2009/Pre-Conference1.htm).

  1. Kan Tulathimutte、佐藤 哲也、伊藤 俊夫、橋爪 宏達、杉本 雅則: RoboChase, 予感研究所2, 日本科学未来館, 2008.
  2. Hosoi, K., Dao, V.N., Mori, A., Sugimoto, M.: CoGAME: Manipulation by Projection, In Proceedings of ACM SIGGRAPH 2007 Emerging Technologies, San Diego, CA, August 2007.
  3. 細井 一弘, 森 晶洋, ダオ ヴィン ニン, 伊藤 俊廷, グェントゥン ゴク, 杉本 雅則: CoGAME: Manipulation by Projection, インタラクティブ東京2007, 日本科学未来館, 2007 (ACM SIGGRAPH2007 凱旋展示).

  1. Sugimoto, M.: Designing Smart Environments: Systems and Challenges, Special Talk at King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology Ladkrabang, Thailand, March 2014.
  2. Sugimoto, M.: Learning Technologies for Connecting a Classroom with the Real World, IEEE TCLT Online Research Seminar on ''The New Development of Technology Enhanced Learning: Concept, Research and Best Practice'', May 2013.
  3. Sugimoto, M.: Mobile or Cloud-based Photo/Video Analytics? Greater Tokyo Area Multimedia/Vision Workshop, Tokyo, Japan, August 2012 (panelist).
  4. Sugimoto, M.: Challenges of Learning Technologies for the Future, Invited Lecture, National Central Univesity, Jhongli, Taiwan, April, 2012.
  5. Sugimoto, M.: Policy, Practices and Research on WMUTE/DIGITEL in Formal and Informal Learning Contexts, IEEE DIGITEL 2012 Panel, Takamatsu, Japan, August 2012 (panelist).
  6. Sugimoto, M.: Rapid and Precise Localization Methods for Interaction Technology, INRIA-Univ. of Tokyo GCOE Symposium on Information Technologies, Paris-Rocquencourt, France, January 2012.
  7. 杉本 雅則: スウェーデン滞在記, 人工知能学会誌, Vo.l 26, No. 6, pp.692-693, 2011.
  8. Sugimoto, M.: Adding New Dimension to Mobile and Tabletop Systems, Invited Lecture, University of Bergen, Bergen, Norway, September, 2011.
  9. Sugimoto, M.: Adding New Dimension to Mobile and Tabletop Systems, Invited Lecture, University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway, September, 2011.
  10. Sugimoto, M.: An Localization Technique for Smart and Secure Environments, Public Lecture, Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden, September, 2011.
  11. Sugimoto, M.: Adding New Dimension to Mobile and Tabletop Systems, Public Lecture, Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden, September, 2011.
  12. Sugimoto, M.: Communicating Research: From Idea to Prototype to Paper -from my experiences-, PhD Workshop in Multimodal UIs, Augmented Reality, Handheld \&Tabletops, Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden, September, 2011.
  13. Sugimoto, M.: A Localization Technique for Enhancing Physical Interactions, IEEE ISVRI / JST Joint Workshop, Singapore, March, 2011.
  14. Sugimoto, M.: Ultrasonic Localization and Imaging Techniques for Secure Life, University of Tokyo Univ.-LAAS Joint Symposium, Toulouse, Fra nce, March, 2011.
  15. Sugimoto, M.: Designing Computational Media for Interacting with the Physical World, JST Open Café(シンガポール市民向け講演), Singapore, March, 2011.
  16. 杉本 雅則:エンタテインメントコンピューティング2009パネルディスカッション「EC分野における産学連携」 パネリスト
  17. 杉本 雅則:セキュアライフのためのヒューマンコンピュータインタラクション技術, 東京大学グローバルCOEセキュアライフエレクトロニクスシンポジウム, 東京大学, 2009.
  18. 杉本 雅則:より自然なインタラクション技術の実現に向けて, 人工知能学会誌, Vol.24, No. 1, p.19, 2009.
  19. Sugimoto, M.: Making Artifacts More Interactive and Intuitive -Interaction Technologies for the Mobile/Ubiquitous Age, Guest Talk at Chalmers University of Technologies, Gothenburg, Sweden, 2008.
  20. Sugimoto, M.: Localization Techniques for Human Computer Interaction, University of Tokyo-INRIA Joint Symposium, Rocquencourt, France, 2008.
  21. 杉本 雅則:情報技術で未来を描く, 柏市民新聞, 2008年4月25日号
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